Well things are a bit better in my world. One of my friends came into to town today and she wants to go to the strip club so why not, it's a change of pace. So to all my friends out in SGland hope you have a great 4th of July, if you celebrate it, and I will talk to everyone later! Besos para todos! =D
More Blogs
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
So after 6 months of my ex, cheating, lying, using me, and giving me … -
Sunday Feb 07, 2010
Women are like drugs, when it's good it's good, when it's bad, it's r… -
Sunday Jan 17, 2010
Hello SG friends, been awhile since my last post. Things have been go… -
Tuesday Nov 17, 2009
Well I have been away again way too long......I work and work and wor… -
Tuesday Oct 20, 2009
Been gone for awhile, it's been rough, still looking for a job. Work … -
Thursday Jul 02, 2009
Well things are a bit better in my world. One of my friends came into… -
Monday Jun 01, 2009
Well I guess my "friends" are too "busy" to talk or lend me an ear wh… -
Sunday May 17, 2009
Have not been on in a longtime, taking GF applications! -
Monday Apr 06, 2009
So it has been a longtime since I have written anything or given peop… -
Thursday Nov 13, 2008
So sorry to leave all my SG friends hanging for such a longtime, I re…