So it has been awhile since I wrote.....I haven't checked my last post so I may be repeating this but here goes anyways. I went to The Cure concert earlyer this year up at the Rosemont near Chicago it was awsome and they are just amazing. Things for me lately have been good yet complicated, I work at a college and many many people have been leaving so I have been bounced around from department to department for the last 3 months, great for job security but not on the stress-o-meter. I have a piece o shit car that runs it is an old Honda and the engine is great but I got a flat tire a week ago and I cannot get a new tire until August, I put the dounut tire on it and I can at least go to the grocery store and back. I plan on getting a new care sometime in October as my late B-day present to myself so hopefully it lasts me until then.
I have been seeing on and off for the last month and a half a girl who is, in my opinion, way to young for me. I do not consider myself old by all means but when the lady is 11 years younger it gets complicated, and no I have no idea how I got here in the first place but alcohol had something to do with it. Nothing serious but I just do not think it is going anywhere but the physical aspect of this "relationship" is over-riding my common sense and I keep beating myself up for it. We shall see.
I feel that due to work that I have missed out on summer. I have gone swimming about 3 times and gone out about 4 times, sad indeed. Work for me as of Monday is going to be hectic and sleep depravation is going to go into overdrive big time so I am hoping that this weekend I have a blast!
Well thanks to all who put up with my endless rants and I hope that things are going well for all my SG friends, sending positive karma your way! Besos ha todos hasta la proxima vez!
I have been seeing on and off for the last month and a half a girl who is, in my opinion, way to young for me. I do not consider myself old by all means but when the lady is 11 years younger it gets complicated, and no I have no idea how I got here in the first place but alcohol had something to do with it. Nothing serious but I just do not think it is going anywhere but the physical aspect of this "relationship" is over-riding my common sense and I keep beating myself up for it. We shall see.
I feel that due to work that I have missed out on summer. I have gone swimming about 3 times and gone out about 4 times, sad indeed. Work for me as of Monday is going to be hectic and sleep depravation is going to go into overdrive big time so I am hoping that this weekend I have a blast!
Well thanks to all who put up with my endless rants and I hope that things are going well for all my SG friends, sending positive karma your way! Besos ha todos hasta la proxima vez!
thanks so much for the comment on my new set