So this is just a follow up to some of my post from earlyer on this year and last year, it concerns my job. For awhile it was going good, things were starting to change and I thought my worries and stress that work was causing me, were in fact dissapearing. I was wrong, the last 3 weeks have just been the samething over and over and I am about to just put my application at the local Insurance corporate and say to hell with LCN.
Women are more devious than men, just a plain fact. While we men are not without faults, women these days are just plain cruel. I trully believe that we live in a society where everything is so over-glamorised and amped that the truth is just plain boring. To lie is exciting and alluring, truth.....not so much. I by all means do not consider myself old, and while I believe in romance I do not play games for weeks on end to see if someone is just playing games or actually serious about a relationship. I will quit now about this subject, my brain is hazy and I am starting to ramble on and on.
Positives.....the weather is getting much better, I am actually saving some money and my phone seems to be working now. Thankyou everyone for your past comments, besos para todos.
Women are more devious than men, just a plain fact. While we men are not without faults, women these days are just plain cruel. I trully believe that we live in a society where everything is so over-glamorised and amped that the truth is just plain boring. To lie is exciting and alluring, truth.....not so much. I by all means do not consider myself old, and while I believe in romance I do not play games for weeks on end to see if someone is just playing games or actually serious about a relationship. I will quit now about this subject, my brain is hazy and I am starting to ramble on and on.
Positives.....the weather is getting much better, I am actually saving some money and my phone seems to be working now. Thankyou everyone for your past comments, besos para todos.