I will post a picture of my tattoo soon, both in my picturs and also in the "Spain" group pics. On to other things, I am really, really amazed and in awe about either: 1. my apparent warped sense of morals, right/wrong and thinking or 2. The people around me do not live in reallity. I am amazed at the level of just plain stupidity and helplessness around me. It is like people have no idea how to do the simplest of things, like fold a folding chair....... These people expect someone to get a chair for them, fold it open, and then wipe it off before they sit down on it, as if they were royalty or something. When asked "Why can you not walk 5 meters and grab your own chair?" they reply "II do not GET chairs.". Totally, totally amazed at people's view on life. I will have to say that most of the poeple around me are 18-22 so I really cannot expect much from them.....as dis-heartening as that sounds. Maybe I just put to much faith in other people? Maybe I believe that if people even used their minds they would be able to solve problems on their own? Maybe I belive that supporting peoples belief that they need to be treated like a movie star for just breathing is wrong? I have no clue at this point I am so drained I am just rambling on.
Anyways, I am trully content and somewhat happy because next month I literally work about 7 days in the month and still get paid. I am going to see The Cure on May 17th and anyone that knows me knows that I am a uber Cure fan! WOOT! I got my new tattoo two weeks ago and am working on the art to put on my back. I do not want to sound hypocritical and say that I do not make mistakes or do dumb things but I can say that when I do them I take responsibility for them and I do not blame it on other people and call them "stupid".
I just bought the new American Idol karaokee game and my buddies and I played for the last 8 hours so our voices are tore up, lots of fun! Between Karaokee and Rockband it is a healthy release from the stresses of the day. I am also starting to workout and walk to get ready for Spring and Summer, been slacking this year due to the extreme cold. Best of luck everyone! Un beso grandisimo para todos! Chao!
Anyways, I am trully content and somewhat happy because next month I literally work about 7 days in the month and still get paid. I am going to see The Cure on May 17th and anyone that knows me knows that I am a uber Cure fan! WOOT! I got my new tattoo two weeks ago and am working on the art to put on my back. I do not want to sound hypocritical and say that I do not make mistakes or do dumb things but I can say that when I do them I take responsibility for them and I do not blame it on other people and call them "stupid".
I just bought the new American Idol karaokee game and my buddies and I played for the last 8 hours so our voices are tore up, lots of fun! Between Karaokee and Rockband it is a healthy release from the stresses of the day. I am also starting to workout and walk to get ready for Spring and Summer, been slacking this year due to the extreme cold. Best of luck everyone! Un beso grandisimo para todos! Chao!

Thank you very much, for stopping by to comment my set. Your words are kind and I very much appreciate them! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks very much for the comments on the Circus set!