Hello everyone! Well my summer has been good so far. My job is not at all demanding and it really just comprimises me bbq'ing, holding events, and being a part-time Psychiotrist. Tonight for work I grilled Bratwurst and hamburgers, we also had chips and dip along with fruit and drinks. Wow what a demanding schedule. Afterwards I was asked to bring down my Nintendo Wii and Gamecube. We ended up playing bowling and baseball, where I literally kicked everyones ass! After Wii ,we played Karaokee with some good and bad singers. Everyone had a goodtime and left happy. For some reason I rocked this song...strange. Anyways I can now say that I can get Plattinum status on Materialgirl..shieesh, haha! Besos para todos!
I'm still laughing over this one! LOL
I'm still laughing over this one! LOL

A m tambin me gustara tener un trabajo as, o uno que solo necesitase el porttil y la wireless... as podra trabajar en cualquier sitio y viajar, que es lo que ms me gusta 

Mmmmmm, barbecues.