Geeze, where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was graduating high school, going off to college in florida. I woke up this morning and here I was, still stuck in Alabama, two years down the road with not very much to show for it I might add. I've completely wasted the summer, I've exhausted all my financial resources, I'm paying out way more than I have coming in. And to top it all off, I'm still living at my grandparent's with dial up internet and I'm ready to tear my hair out of my head. Just in case you were wondering where I have been this past month or two, I've been really jaded with the internet, I can usually get all my laundry done and cook dinner (hahaha me cook!) by the time this blog posts. Yay for the school library! In speaking of school, I'm doing well. If I had to guess I'd say I'm in the top 5 of my class, two of which would be the nieces of the instructor, which they are good don't get me wrong, but it still gets on my nerves. I went to Missouri last week to end my miserably lonliness for a while. He's home now and I'd say its about damn time. That was probably the longest six months of my life. I have to say I've never been so proud as I was of him when he walked across that stage. Neither of us saved any money though, so now we don't have any cash to get a place. That makes me sad because I looked at the cutest loft apartment overlooking downtown. It had a pretty living room and I could watch the Christmas parade from my bedroom window.
In cheerier news, Halloween is almost upon us, and as usual I will be having a terrific bash to celebrate the event, not to mention my birthday which is like, two days later. So YAY! YAY for celebration! Woohoo! Ok, I don't feel so bad now. I'm sorry I've been in a terrible mood, perhaps things will be brighter soon. He brought home a video camera, so now I can take lots of lovely videos and such! Hurray! Hurray videos.
I also got a car, did I mention my car? Its expensive, a pain in my ass, but in three years, it'll be mine.
In cheerier news, Halloween is almost upon us, and as usual I will be having a terrific bash to celebrate the event, not to mention my birthday which is like, two days later. So YAY! YAY for celebration! Woohoo! Ok, I don't feel so bad now. I'm sorry I've been in a terrible mood, perhaps things will be brighter soon. He brought home a video camera, so now I can take lots of lovely videos and such! Hurray! Hurray videos.
I also got a car, did I mention my car? Its expensive, a pain in my ass, but in three years, it'll be mine.


glad i got to meet you cutie