Hello innurweb. How are ya?! Have I told you lately that I love you? *squeezes* Tch-awww. How sweet! We had a moment! Tomorrow, I go to see Rob Zombie in concert *dances in a circle* Which brings me to the point of this entry. I have an extremely varied taste in music, and I really hate those who snub a certain genre just because its not the "cool" thing to listen to, or its not "edgy" enough. Bah! Screw it. Music is great, who gives a damn what kind, eh? I love me some Sex Pistols and Ramones, but I like to shake my ass to Sean Paul and Missy Elliott, sometimes I like to rock out to something hard... it just depends on my mood. BAH! Anyway, school is stressful, its like having a second job. I go to school from 9-2 and then work from 3-9 . Tired. Sleep is imperative. *trudges off to bed*
Hang in there babe!!! 

zombie. sounds like fun. tell us how it was.