Believe in me because I don't believe in anything
and I want to be someone to believe
Much as I mock the whole Emo movement, from the dismal whiney music to the godawful uniform, I seem to find myself wallowing in self pity more than I'd like.
I think the main reason is that I've just got nothing to do at the moment - quitting WoW has left a huge whole in my life where I used to spend 14 hours a day vegging in front of the computer. Happily, I was sensible to completely burn my bridges when I left, so going back to that isn't an option. This does, however, leave me with a remarkable amount of time to sit and brood, and I just seem to do nothing with all the time I've got.
She's suddenly beautiful
We all want something beautiful
man I wish I was beautiful
I vary with how well I'm dealing with being single a whole lot more than I'd like. When there's people around, I feel better than I have in the last year, and I really enjoy being able to do what I want. The rest of the time I get depressed, and listen to hardcore in an effort to cheer myself up (no, hardcore isn't terribly happy, but it's the best I've got)
When everybody loves me, I will never be lonely
I want to be a lion
Well. Not a lion, they don't do much, lazy buggers. The sentiment is there though.
Not even sure why I've written this, it's not saying anything new or clever, and I'm not convinced I feel any better for having moaned on the internet about how bored I am.
Ah well. Hopefully in my next post, I'll be celebrating a new job and lots of fun things happening.
Haven't watched it yet, might do today if I find time.