Hi everybody 
Since a while I didn't post a blog ! I'm sorry I was'nt here, and I didn't answer to your messages, but we didn't have internet in our new home
So, how have you been ?
I'm good, just started my new university, I love it a lot! I have HIstory of art, cultural history, history of cinema and everything like that..
We met new people with my love and discovered the new city we live in!
We also went to a big medieval party, that was so fun
Our new baby, Goliath, loves so much his new house and new family, he's like the prince
And you, what's up ? What's new in your life ?
I will try to be there more often but I can't promise to you
Take care guys
Don't forget, I'm still in memeber review

Our collection of DVD

Since a while I didn't post a blog ! I'm sorry I was'nt here, and I didn't answer to your messages, but we didn't have internet in our new home

So, how have you been ?

I'm good, just started my new university, I love it a lot! I have HIstory of art, cultural history, history of cinema and everything like that..

We met new people with my love and discovered the new city we live in!
We also went to a big medieval party, that was so fun

Our new baby, Goliath, loves so much his new house and new family, he's like the prince

And you, what's up ? What's new in your life ?

I will try to be there more often but I can't promise to you

Take care guys

Don't forget, I'm still in memeber review

Our collection of DVD

I hope school has been going great for you!