Well, today was my last day at a job that I've worked for the last 12 years and I found leaving a lot more upsetting than I expected. All week people have been so nice to me(even people I didn't expect)telling me how much they'll miss me and wishing me luck for the future.
Today is also my Birthday and so, when the end of the day came and I was given my cards and presents I started to feel a little overwhelmed. I hadn't expected any fuss to be made and so the surprise plus my not liking being the centre of attention made it a strange situation to be in. By the time my boss shook my hand and wished me all the best I was really struggling to hold myself together. I managed to compose myself and say goodbye to everyone else and then I was out the door, ready for the next chapter of my life.
I was shocked at how difficult I found the day to be. Even though it was a job that I'd grown tired of and there were some people that I had very little time for, they were still a part of my life for a great deal of time. You spend 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year for 12 years with a group of people then you can't help but feel close to everyone of them. I'll miss them all in some way or another. I'm gonna try to stay in touch as best I can but its not always easy is it?
Anyways, I still feel a little emotional even now 6 hours later. I thrive on routine and structure and through my own choice I've thrown that routine out the window. It's a decision I've wanted to make for some time but i've always talked myself out of it. The feeling of 'what comes next' is foreign to me, it's very daunting and frankly a little scary but I'm determined to make the most of the time off. I'm gonna have a few weeks off to recharge my batteries and to try to figure a few things out regarding my future. I've no doubt that waking up tomorrow with no job to go to is gonna be a very peculiar feeling indeed.
Wish me luck!