Hi Everyone!
I only have 2 days left to go in a job that I've had for the last 12 years. Since Monday there's been a strange 'last week of term' feel to things but almost everyone I work with has been lovely(even people that I haven't always had much time for have said how much I'll be missed).
I wasn't sure how people would take the news that I'm leaving to do precisely nothing( at least for the time being) but for the most part, people have been very supportive. I'm sure some think that I'm making a mistake but the closer to Thursday I get, the more and more I'm convinced that I'm making the right decision.
The fact that Thursday is also my Birthday makes it an even weirder feeling as the day approaches. I'm sure I'll be sad to leave but I'm excited(and a little scared) of what's gonna come next. All I know is that it's time for me to roll the dice and move onto the next chapter in my life. I've stayed in this rut for a long time and it's time to pull myself out and get going with something that I can get my teeth into.
Hope everyone's well