It's been a long while since I last post on here but I've always been around keeping up to date with what's going on, blogs, photo sets etc. I don't post so much because I don't always have that much to say but it's nice to have somewhere to vent a little and to get some of my thoughts out of my head.
I've been struggling lately with a job that I hate which is starting to affect my happiness and my general well-being. I've been working at the same place for over 10 years and while I enjoyed it at first, it's got to the point where I dread getting up in the morning to go to work because the place and the people make me feel so miserable. Working 6 days a week, week after week in a physical job really takes it toll over the years and my health has suffered as a result. My Mum suffers from depression which first manifested itself when she was having trouble at work and she worries that the same thing will happen to me. I'm not a very sociable person so the idea of leaving and going somewhere new with new people is very daunting but I've come to realise that it's something that I need to do. I've decided to hand in my notice this week so that my last day is on the 14th(my birthday!) Call it a Birthday present to myself.
I'm lucky that I've managed to save quite a bit of money over the years(my outgoings are very low) so I don't need a new job immediately but I've gotten so used to earning over the years that I can't imagine being out of work for long. I know jobs are hard to come by at the moment but as long as I can get a few hours to cover my expenses then I'll be happy. I still live at home with my Mum and Brother and they're both fine with me being out of work so that's a relief. Taking a couple of weeks for myself to relax and get a few things in order will do me good before I get back to looking for work though.
I have considered going to uni or college but I've always been unsure what direction I'd like my career to go in. I've always envied people who have had their career paths planned from day one. It's so much easier to make decisions when you know where you're wanting to go.
On the plus side, I ve got tickets to see Weezer in Manchester on Sunday night. I think it's been almost 10 years since they last came to Manchester and they've been on my 'must see' list for a long time now. I can't wait! I'm feeling a little rough at the moment(low energy, headaches, nausea) but I wouldn't miss this gig for anything. I'm hoping a good nights sleep tonight will set me right and I'll be fine tomorrow.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.
I hope everyone's OK in SG world.