last night was awesome. it is so invigorating to be around my friends. i only get to be around them a few times a year, so when i do i feel very grateful. we hugged, we kissed, we cuddled, we danced, we sang... it was a perfect night. everyone was in high spirits, and after the show we all went back to my apartment for more in depth conversations about music and alcohol (generally the topics of most of our talks). i miss them so much all the time. it's hard that they're 300 miles away from me. they're the people i know best and that know me the best, and it's very bittersweet to see them, especially the end of the night. everyone finally departed around 4 am, and it was a pity that they had to drive back to NYC today. luckily for me, they'll be back up here easter weekend. they're playing with none more black at a grange hall, which should be awesome because 1. it's none more black and 2. the grange hall! i havent been there in YEARS. so good.

Sounds like a good time to me.