sooOoOoOo im bored.
my cat is watching tv. sitting there, staring at the set, watching things move around. i, of course, am watching the discovery science channel about the theories of life being on the other moons in the universe. im a nerd.
st patricks day was ridiculous fun. oh man. so many people showed up, good friends that i hadnt seen in quite a while. my brother even came. he was a hit, of course. he's me x 10. he's a total dink.
im broke. and need a second job. im so over being in school right now. i have spring break next week, and all im going to do is work my fucking ass off. woopdy doo.
my car is parked on the wrong side of the street. i need to move it by 10. but my apartment is so warm. gah.
my cat is watching tv. sitting there, staring at the set, watching things move around. i, of course, am watching the discovery science channel about the theories of life being on the other moons in the universe. im a nerd.
st patricks day was ridiculous fun. oh man. so many people showed up, good friends that i hadnt seen in quite a while. my brother even came. he was a hit, of course. he's me x 10. he's a total dink.
im broke. and need a second job. im so over being in school right now. i have spring break next week, and all im going to do is work my fucking ass off. woopdy doo.
my car is parked on the wrong side of the street. i need to move it by 10. but my apartment is so warm. gah.
woah...i love discovery AND cats so...fucking woot!

LOL! Yeah, my two cats do that too sometimes. Usually, it's certain voices that really catch their attention. That's too bad that you have to work so much, but at least you've got Spring break. Take it easy.