My pants smell like rave funk and my throat hurts. We just got in from the El Circo fundraiser. . .
Leave it to burners to throw the weirdest party i've been to in a long time. The venue was a neat space called Infinate Chaos and was in the heart of the tenderloin. The music was decent, but then there was the cat in the sound booth, crazy hours spent on the outdoor couch, many random conversations with cool burners (some of who I didn't understand in the least), the guy who fell in the vortex (aka a hole leading to the basement and <i>not</i> a hallway leading upstairs), lots of complaining from the guy who fell in the vortex, crazy girl who talked of her junk in her trunk, placed hello kitty stickers on her nipples, sat in matt's lap, spanked many people with her spanking rod, and was just all around loony and fucked up, fun conversations waiting in line for the bathroom, teknokitty hooking up with many'a'guy during the evening, and seeing tim, patrick, and brent, all whom will be living in the city within the year.
yeah, it was a fun night. but now its time for bed.
Leave it to burners to throw the weirdest party i've been to in a long time. The venue was a neat space called Infinate Chaos and was in the heart of the tenderloin. The music was decent, but then there was the cat in the sound booth, crazy hours spent on the outdoor couch, many random conversations with cool burners (some of who I didn't understand in the least), the guy who fell in the vortex (aka a hole leading to the basement and <i>not</i> a hallway leading upstairs), lots of complaining from the guy who fell in the vortex, crazy girl who talked of her junk in her trunk, placed hello kitty stickers on her nipples, sat in matt's lap, spanked many people with her spanking rod, and was just all around loony and fucked up, fun conversations waiting in line for the bathroom, teknokitty hooking up with many'a'guy during the evening, and seeing tim, patrick, and brent, all whom will be living in the city within the year.
yeah, it was a fun night. but now its time for bed.

not really a big move, but a move none the less!
and you're right, it is good way to start fresh and let go of some feelings...
i can't wait to get into my new place!