Did any of you peeps watch the Real World way back in the day? I admit, I was an MTV whore in highschool and saw the first few seasons. Yesterday at work some girl was checking in and I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew her. Maybe from school? No. But when i saw her name, Irene, it totally hit me! She was the one of the members of the Seattle Real World! The one with curly black hair and an annoying voice, and the one who got slapped by her housemate!!! HA! I didn't want to give her the "aren't you from that show" pleasure so I treated her like any other client. She was fairly nice and her cat was super cute
We also have an ex-soap star that frequents my place of business, "Carrie" from Days of Our Lives. And then there are the authors Amy Tan and Danielle Steele, although Danielle never shows up in person.
And there you have it.
This weekend is looking mellow, which is good as i'm broke
Our big plans tonight involve watching The Corporation and drinking mojitos with some friends. And tomorrow there is a big festival in Japantown that could be worth checking out. Plus its free
I was a good housewife last night and made chocolate chip cookies. I think we've eaten half the lot so far!!

We also have an ex-soap star that frequents my place of business, "Carrie" from Days of Our Lives. And then there are the authors Amy Tan and Danielle Steele, although Danielle never shows up in person.
And there you have it.
This weekend is looking mellow, which is good as i'm broke

I was a good housewife last night and made chocolate chip cookies. I think we've eaten half the lot so far!!

And yeah, I thought Sin City was awesome. It reallllly felt like a comic book, and if you've ever read Sin City.. well, it was just right. The opening scene had the exact dialogue and shots from the comic. It was really awesome...
We're seeing Sin CIty tonight. Stephen is making me read the comic book before we see it.
I'll be in SF in LESS than 2 weeks!!! Woooooohooooo! And Bassnectar is next weekend. And the hot boy is coming in May. Damn.... my life is so exciting these days.