Last night was spent emptying out our fridge and transporting items that hadn't spoiled yet. Its such a pain in the ass.
I managed to make the rest of the evening productive by working on my new Burning Man skirt. This is the third night I've spent sewing the damn thing and it still isn't finished. Its very time consuming since I have to make a billion different measurements to make the whole thing even (photos to come eventually). And as this skirt has come into being I'm finding that it will look best when i'm flying comando style (no undies). Originally I was going to wear hot pants underneth, but its just so much hotter with more leg/ass showing
I can't wait to be out at Black Rock City!!
Work calls
I managed to make the rest of the evening productive by working on my new Burning Man skirt. This is the third night I've spent sewing the damn thing and it still isn't finished. Its very time consuming since I have to make a billion different measurements to make the whole thing even (photos to come eventually). And as this skirt has come into being I'm finding that it will look best when i'm flying comando style (no undies). Originally I was going to wear hot pants underneth, but its just so much hotter with more leg/ass showing

Work calls

Jess has been makin gifts for BM like you wouldnt belive, you'd swear that she was makin a gift for every person there, she's also makin her own clothing for the event.