I found the strangest thing outside my door today. I stayed home sick from work and when i answered my door this afternoon i found my landlord outside with our mail, and on the doormat i found these:
What the fuck are these?! And more importantly why the hell are they in front of my door? Especially since you have to have a key or be buzzed in to get into the apartment building. Weird.
I searched the internet and found the company site (the name is on the tube) and apparently they are some sort of respiratory device. But again, why my door? Perhaps it is a bad omen that i'm going to start having asthma or some shit. Just plain weird.
Oh, and my land lord wants to come by sometime and take a photo of my cat to show her boyfriend. I should seriously get a portfolio together for Leo so we can make some money

What the fuck are these?! And more importantly why the hell are they in front of my door? Especially since you have to have a key or be buzzed in to get into the apartment building. Weird.
I searched the internet and found the company site (the name is on the tube) and apparently they are some sort of respiratory device. But again, why my door? Perhaps it is a bad omen that i'm going to start having asthma or some shit. Just plain weird.
Oh, and my land lord wants to come by sometime and take a photo of my cat to show her boyfriend. I should seriously get a portfolio together for Leo so we can make some money
