For the fist time in ages i decided to go on vacation: it's the first time in about 10 years that I went somewhere for an extended period of time WITHOUT bringing my camera and my laptop....'s a NON WORK picture .heavy blog!!!!
So at the beginning of August I took off for my destination: Amazing greek island of Kalymnos, not only an amazing savage spot, but also a well known rock climbers Mecca..... amazing time, amazing people. It felt refreshing. It's JUST so inspiring to be dedicated to something new, that involves body, concentration, capability of seeing and feeling.... on to some pics!
here's the view from the house

me all excited before climbing....

.... and after....

and some randomness to sum up....

our improvements...

the lteam.... ;-)

my tranny bleeding....

action pics! ;-)

me very small up on the right!!!!

So at the beginning of August I took off for my destination: Amazing greek island of Kalymnos, not only an amazing savage spot, but also a well known rock climbers Mecca..... amazing time, amazing people. It felt refreshing. It's JUST so inspiring to be dedicated to something new, that involves body, concentration, capability of seeing and feeling.... on to some pics!
here's the view from the house

me all excited before climbing....

.... and after....

and some randomness to sum up....

our improvements...

the lteam.... ;-)

my tranny bleeding....

action pics! ;-)

me very small up on the right!!!!

i knowww! same here
i was tickling my hand all the time to sms you, but when i wasn't working, i was dead tired, but i am sure the time will come!!!

Love the bleeding tranny, you amazonian, you.