So I went out to see Inception yesterday. Awesome movie. Of course, it makes me want to run Lacuna for some group of gamers or other...
I wandered up and down Bardstown Road a bit afterwards; I couldn't stay long, as I needed to meet someone back home a little later, but I found a few places I'd meant to track down earlier (Cafe 360 and Roll of the Die -- I've known about BME for a while). I ended up getting home just in time to meet who I was going to meet.
And I almost joined a dating site the other night. Almost. Even though I know the chance is slim that the ex and I will get back together, even knowing there is a chance... and even knowing I'm free to look elsewhere... it makes me think it would give her an excuse not to take me seriously if I actually do. And yet... I ache for company.
I wandered up and down Bardstown Road a bit afterwards; I couldn't stay long, as I needed to meet someone back home a little later, but I found a few places I'd meant to track down earlier (Cafe 360 and Roll of the Die -- I've known about BME for a while). I ended up getting home just in time to meet who I was going to meet.
And I almost joined a dating site the other night. Almost. Even though I know the chance is slim that the ex and I will get back together, even knowing there is a chance... and even knowing I'm free to look elsewhere... it makes me think it would give her an excuse not to take me seriously if I actually do. And yet... I ache for company.