My friend is now gone which sucks, but she is planning another trip here at the end of the summer. I'm starting to think that i will never be able to live with anyone again. I've had friends staying with me for days at a time lately and sometimes they just drive me nuts. I know they are guests but they don't need to be so lazy. They leave dirty diapers all over the house, baby bottles tipped over spilling on my furniture. People just drive me nuts in general. Living alone just seems like the easiest thing to do. Unless i could find someone that isn't a filthy slob.
My daughter finally had a development test done on her today. I have thought she has autism since she was 8 months old. Her sensory skills are a little behind, but they said everything else is great. She shows some signs of autism and they want her to go to occupational therapy and sensory integration. In my mind i really don't think she does have it but i think there is some kind of condition. She sits on the floor spinning things and starts rocking back and forth and has her arms and legs extended and shaking. Other than that she seems completely normal to me. I'm glad this is all finally being dealt with. It's been 2 long years waiting for this to be done.
My daughter finally had a development test done on her today. I have thought she has autism since she was 8 months old. Her sensory skills are a little behind, but they said everything else is great. She shows some signs of autism and they want her to go to occupational therapy and sensory integration. In my mind i really don't think she does have it but i think there is some kind of condition. She sits on the floor spinning things and starts rocking back and forth and has her arms and legs extended and shaking. Other than that she seems completely normal to me. I'm glad this is all finally being dealt with. It's been 2 long years waiting for this to be done.

That's pretty scary. I hope everything works out. What made you think she had autism?