I sit here in my mother's backyard, well rested for the first time in a week. Lately my sleep pattern has been disturbed nightly by many things. On three different occasions this week including the day before TOOL, I wasn't able to sleep, even when I was in bed for an hour or two. I seem to just lay there as the events of the day play on loop in my mind, or I go over lists of things that need to be done for the move/the trip/ or the concert. Why am I rambling about my lack of sleep? I haven't a clue, but then again I am sleep deprived.
On to more important things...
Everyday of the years between these events, I make an effort to keep one thing secret, or at least a bit muted. My fanatic, slightly annoying, deep dark obsession with the band known as TOOL. Yes, I have to type the name that way. No, I can not be bothered to explain why. If you get it, you already understand why. At these shows I get to be reminded exactly why I feel so passionately for this band. A month ago the opportunity presented itself to me again to buy tickets to one of their shows. Despite the fact that it would require a three hour drive from Houston to San Antonio, I had tickets within 30 minutes of being informed of the concert.
Last Friday, Athena, myself, and two other friends piled into a car and hit the Interstate 10. Once we arrived in the city, we made our way to the river walk for lunch. It was my first time in San Antonio in over 12 years so I had my eyes open, people watching and sight seeing. That city is very boring, from what I saw. All the worst that Texas could offer rolled up into one big dusty town. I was bored all afternoon, and slightly anxious for the evenings events to get started. I even found myself unimpressed when I finally viewed the Alamo for the first time ever. Its much smaller than I'd expected (yes, thats what she said). Our driver decided it would be a good idea to go meet up with the idiot mentioned in my last blog. He had driven down earlier that day and set up a campsite close to the venue. Once there I pretended to listen to the jackass explain exactly what he expected from the band that evening, and I spent the majority of the time mocking him for coming to a TOOL show wearing one of their band t-shirts. I drove us around pretending I was going to hit every person I found wearing a TOOL shirt because they were worth more points than small children or even nuns. When I felt my point had been made, we went to the venue.
This venue, San Antonio's AT&T center, is located between a few gas refineries in the middle of nowhere. The location only played more into my confusion and annoyance with the city itself. Everything is covered in dirt, nothing is green..not even the grass or trees, and everything smells horrible. We got there and proceeded to drink a few cases of beer and smoke some delicious greenery (much greener than anything in this city btw) while sitting in the car waiting for the doors to open. Once we were high, drunk, and pleased we went inside the stadium. I walked away from the merchandise table after spending way more than I should have, and the only comfort I had was knowing that Athena spent twice as much. We found our seats on the front row of the upper level, very close to the left side of the stage. I sat there laying back in my seat with my eyes closed for the next 30 minutes, trying to sleep as much as I could before the real show began. The opening act was very unmemorable, as most seem to be when playing before this band. The opener left the stage, and I got the pleasure of watching men running around in white lab coats setting up the TOOL stage set. The entire stage was covered in white paper/cloth/ or flooring. Everything was designed to reflect whatever patterns or colors were projected onto it. I completely over analyzed the intent the members of the band had when deciding how the stage would look. I processed every aspect like it was a passage in a painting I was critiquing in design class.
Finally the lights lowered again, the crowd roared(and unlike the last 8 outbursts, this one was actually for the band instead of a guitar tech). Danny, Justin, Adam, and finally Maynard walked onto the stage in a line. Danny had on a San Antonio Spurs jersey, his usual for this city I'm sure. Justin and Adam both wore all white jumpsuits to match the stage set up. Maynard was sporting a short mohawk that made him look like a dinosaur, as well as that all black leather outfit I've seen a few times now. They took their places and began with Jambi. The set was a mix of the last two albums broken up with some older tracks, my favorites being 46&2 and Flood. The set list can be seen here, as well as some reviews. The only downside for me was that this set list was almost identical to what I saw at their show in Houston two years ago, a fact I'd overlooked until after the show when the guys we rode with refused to stop bitching. I wasn't angry like they were though, just happy to have seen another show by this band. The crowd was amazing, one of the highlights of the show. TOOL crowds can be an awesome thing when everyone is meeting on the same wavelength, and though I've been in a few less than happy audiences, this one was delightful.
So, why am I so obsessed? I go to these shows, and I feel such a strong passion overwhelm me. My mind fills with every moment of joy I've had in my life, and I reflect upon the greater good like someone deep in prayer might. I think events like this are as close as I can comfortably come to seeing God. I see hope radiating from the stage and feel motivated to go out into the world and stand up as an individual. I've wondered many times why I project so many things onto a band. After all its just music, right? They were wearing all white, perhaps they wanted me to project whatever I pleased onto them, even mentally. Either way, I felt overwhelmed. I felt my soul glowing, and my spirit reaching all the way to that stage, trying to touch and thank the men who shaped what I've become. At the end of the show, when Danny walked to the left side of the stage, I think I might have even managed to spiritually touch him as he looked up and waved. I felt alive, and left thankful that I got to commune with this group of people again. So there it is. I could go into more details, tell you how I couldn't stop laughing as Justin played in an over sized blue foam cowboy hat, and how Danny was generous enough to shower the crowd with cymbals and Frisbees yet again...however I'll stop here. I am happy, I feel almost whole, closer to being an elevated spirit, and like I've grown. Back to hiding my obsession for another year now, lets just pretend I didn't reveal these things to you.
And now, an abundance of poor quality phone pictures that make my heart giddy...
On to more important things...
Everyday of the years between these events, I make an effort to keep one thing secret, or at least a bit muted. My fanatic, slightly annoying, deep dark obsession with the band known as TOOL. Yes, I have to type the name that way. No, I can not be bothered to explain why. If you get it, you already understand why. At these shows I get to be reminded exactly why I feel so passionately for this band. A month ago the opportunity presented itself to me again to buy tickets to one of their shows. Despite the fact that it would require a three hour drive from Houston to San Antonio, I had tickets within 30 minutes of being informed of the concert.
Last Friday, Athena, myself, and two other friends piled into a car and hit the Interstate 10. Once we arrived in the city, we made our way to the river walk for lunch. It was my first time in San Antonio in over 12 years so I had my eyes open, people watching and sight seeing. That city is very boring, from what I saw. All the worst that Texas could offer rolled up into one big dusty town. I was bored all afternoon, and slightly anxious for the evenings events to get started. I even found myself unimpressed when I finally viewed the Alamo for the first time ever. Its much smaller than I'd expected (yes, thats what she said). Our driver decided it would be a good idea to go meet up with the idiot mentioned in my last blog. He had driven down earlier that day and set up a campsite close to the venue. Once there I pretended to listen to the jackass explain exactly what he expected from the band that evening, and I spent the majority of the time mocking him for coming to a TOOL show wearing one of their band t-shirts. I drove us around pretending I was going to hit every person I found wearing a TOOL shirt because they were worth more points than small children or even nuns. When I felt my point had been made, we went to the venue.
This venue, San Antonio's AT&T center, is located between a few gas refineries in the middle of nowhere. The location only played more into my confusion and annoyance with the city itself. Everything is covered in dirt, nothing is green..not even the grass or trees, and everything smells horrible. We got there and proceeded to drink a few cases of beer and smoke some delicious greenery (much greener than anything in this city btw) while sitting in the car waiting for the doors to open. Once we were high, drunk, and pleased we went inside the stadium. I walked away from the merchandise table after spending way more than I should have, and the only comfort I had was knowing that Athena spent twice as much. We found our seats on the front row of the upper level, very close to the left side of the stage. I sat there laying back in my seat with my eyes closed for the next 30 minutes, trying to sleep as much as I could before the real show began. The opening act was very unmemorable, as most seem to be when playing before this band. The opener left the stage, and I got the pleasure of watching men running around in white lab coats setting up the TOOL stage set. The entire stage was covered in white paper/cloth/ or flooring. Everything was designed to reflect whatever patterns or colors were projected onto it. I completely over analyzed the intent the members of the band had when deciding how the stage would look. I processed every aspect like it was a passage in a painting I was critiquing in design class.
Finally the lights lowered again, the crowd roared(and unlike the last 8 outbursts, this one was actually for the band instead of a guitar tech). Danny, Justin, Adam, and finally Maynard walked onto the stage in a line. Danny had on a San Antonio Spurs jersey, his usual for this city I'm sure. Justin and Adam both wore all white jumpsuits to match the stage set up. Maynard was sporting a short mohawk that made him look like a dinosaur, as well as that all black leather outfit I've seen a few times now. They took their places and began with Jambi. The set was a mix of the last two albums broken up with some older tracks, my favorites being 46&2 and Flood. The set list can be seen here, as well as some reviews. The only downside for me was that this set list was almost identical to what I saw at their show in Houston two years ago, a fact I'd overlooked until after the show when the guys we rode with refused to stop bitching. I wasn't angry like they were though, just happy to have seen another show by this band. The crowd was amazing, one of the highlights of the show. TOOL crowds can be an awesome thing when everyone is meeting on the same wavelength, and though I've been in a few less than happy audiences, this one was delightful.
So, why am I so obsessed? I go to these shows, and I feel such a strong passion overwhelm me. My mind fills with every moment of joy I've had in my life, and I reflect upon the greater good like someone deep in prayer might. I think events like this are as close as I can comfortably come to seeing God. I see hope radiating from the stage and feel motivated to go out into the world and stand up as an individual. I've wondered many times why I project so many things onto a band. After all its just music, right? They were wearing all white, perhaps they wanted me to project whatever I pleased onto them, even mentally. Either way, I felt overwhelmed. I felt my soul glowing, and my spirit reaching all the way to that stage, trying to touch and thank the men who shaped what I've become. At the end of the show, when Danny walked to the left side of the stage, I think I might have even managed to spiritually touch him as he looked up and waved. I felt alive, and left thankful that I got to commune with this group of people again. So there it is. I could go into more details, tell you how I couldn't stop laughing as Justin played in an over sized blue foam cowboy hat, and how Danny was generous enough to shower the crowd with cymbals and Frisbees yet again...however I'll stop here. I am happy, I feel almost whole, closer to being an elevated spirit, and like I've grown. Back to hiding my obsession for another year now, lets just pretend I didn't reveal these things to you.

And now, an abundance of poor quality phone pictures that make my heart giddy...

you are a TOOL.<3