So, I'm back. Hi, how are you? I've been much better, spent the last two days in and out of the emergency room. I went to OKC for a family wedding, but spent the whole time between the E.R. and hotel room. Didn't even see the wedding. Meh. Severe dehydration and a wicked case of stomach flu. Woottttt. Flew home last night, after 3 bags of I.V. fluids and a handful of shots ranging from pain killers to anti-nausea medicine. Begged my mother to take me back to the E.R. all night as I crawled around on her living room floor puking up blood into a trash can. She finally took me to an urgent care unit at 8 am, got more I.V. fluids to keep up hydration and a few shots of pain meds in the arse. Anyways....I just slept for the first time in 3 days and am attempting to eat a plain baked potato. I might even go smoke a bowl of pot and get into chat. Miss you guys, thanks for all the kind texts over the last few days.
Good heavens lay when the hell did this happen?? Been missing ya in chat for a while now, hope you get better soon darls
shit always happens when im ignoring SG briefly u feelin sweety?