Politics is where all this shit comes together to totally fuck over the little guy. Bear with me; this is a large point. You have the religious right steering this country now, led by its head fuck in the White House. And to keep these religious people happy, George Bush and the people he's put in power operate through various arms, including the FCC, which controls commercial television and radio. So Howard Stern will say "pussy" or Janet Jackson will flash her tit, and the FCC sends down a shitstorm: "That's indecent! God doesn't want you to look at that!" Now add in the business element and things get really crazy. Advertisers want to appear righteous and moral because they don't want to scare away customers. They certainly can't appear to be too loose with their sexual standards. Oh no. People don't want to think they're buying a tit with the bar of soap, right? Yet here's the big secret: The Republican machine - the people with the money, the people who own everything, the people who run these businesses - loves that there's sex all over the place, because it doesn't want people sitting around thinking about what's being done to them. It doesn't want people thinking about how bad they're getting fucked by a system that abandoned them a generation ago. It wants people distracted.
PLAYBOY: So instead of giving poor people tax breaks -
CARLIN: It gives them toys - three-wheeled all-terrain vehicles and snowboards and cell phones with cameras, anything to take their mind off what's being done to theem, that they're being bent over and reamed up their asshole every day of the week. This fucking country is rigged against the little guy. It's been rigged against the little guy for a long time. So the machine tries to distract you. All this Howard Stern shit, all this Janet Jackson's tit shit, andy shit at all that keeps people's mind off the real shit that's going on, has a function, serves a purpose.
PLAYBOY:So you see no worth in protecting family values?
CARLIN:I'm all for protecting the family - doing the right thing by people, doing good for the working poor and for children. But what these fucking religious right-wing Republican cocksucker fuckheads don't remember is that Jesus Christ - who they look to, Jesus Christ, who they trot out all the time - actually said, "Do something for these fucking poor, sick, hungry people. If they're sick, fix them. If they're fucking hungry, fucking feed them."
I fucking love George Carlin. From his Playboy interview (any transcription errors are mine):