Ah, this bike's more suited for commuting. Very cozy. I like the ride with the windshield on it; I don't have to put my visor down or even hold on too tight. But it's big and dorky looking. So, I'm not sure. I may take it off for warm weather and put it back on when it gets cool. The fucker's beautiful, too. I have a picture in my rides folder. Red and white, with these sorta retro looking cream-faced gauges. Sparkly chrome, and a little tool kit in a little storage compartment behind the seat. I need to get cushier grips and a shifter with a longer toe area.
But I'm sure it's completely apparent that I've already fucked my budget for the month. Most people buy the 3/$1 candy bars at the cash register on impulse. I buy laptops and motorcycles.
I don't think I mentioned that I ran out of gas on the way into work. The fuel switch was left on reserve. I was two miles from an exit, so I called my mommy and she brought me gas. Two folks actually stopped while I was waiting. One offered help, the other was interested in buying the bike! I gave him my name and number but told him I was trading it in. If he calls, I'll tell him where it's at.
The past week+ has totally kicked my ass. Between my sister, my aunt, work, the bike rigamarole plus the running out of gas thing, I'm tired and sore. I'm gonna hit the hay early tonight and party late tomorrow night!
Enjoy your Friday evening, loves. I'ma hit the sack.
But I'm sure it's completely apparent that I've already fucked my budget for the month. Most people buy the 3/$1 candy bars at the cash register on impulse. I buy laptops and motorcycles.
I don't think I mentioned that I ran out of gas on the way into work. The fuel switch was left on reserve. I was two miles from an exit, so I called my mommy and she brought me gas. Two folks actually stopped while I was waiting. One offered help, the other was interested in buying the bike! I gave him my name and number but told him I was trading it in. If he calls, I'll tell him where it's at.
The past week+ has totally kicked my ass. Between my sister, my aunt, work, the bike rigamarole plus the running out of gas thing, I'm tired and sore. I'm gonna hit the hay early tonight and party late tomorrow night!
Enjoy your Friday evening, loves. I'ma hit the sack.
Cool bike!