Happy New Year!
Sorry for the long delay between updates. Yeah, as if it really matters to you.
In preparation for the coming disappearance of analog TV, my cable company sent me a note saying that I would need one of their digital tuners (at an additional monthly cost of about 3 bucks) if'n I didna already have one. Now, I only use the cable for local TV, anyhoo, and since my DirecTV tuner has support for tuning digital local signals over the air, I decided to see if I could get decent reception thataway. Turns out, the reception through the satellite tuner is better than I had been getting using my vcr to tune the (analog) cable (I don't have an actual TV; I use the vcr and satellite tuners connected to a projector). sweet! I decide to actually CANCEL the cable TV (just the TV; I want to keep the internet service).
So, I look at my cable account online. I'm paying $18.95 for the tv service and $42.95 for the internet service, for a total of $61.90 + tax. I call 'em up and ask for the tv service to be cut off. Ok, say they, but that'll affect what you pay for the internet service. Hit me with it, says I. $59.95, say they. WTF?! REALLY?! Outta the $18.95 I'm paying for tv service, I'm gonna get back $1.95?
Fine, bitches. I'm still not gonna play ball with your scammy pricing. Gimme my 2 bucks.
Otherwise, things are goin' pretty good. Enjoyed the holidays with the girl. Spent a bit o' time with friends, a bit o' time with family.
Can't FRIGGIN' WAIT for January 20! w00t!
Sorry for the long delay between updates. Yeah, as if it really matters to you.
In preparation for the coming disappearance of analog TV, my cable company sent me a note saying that I would need one of their digital tuners (at an additional monthly cost of about 3 bucks) if'n I didna already have one. Now, I only use the cable for local TV, anyhoo, and since my DirecTV tuner has support for tuning digital local signals over the air, I decided to see if I could get decent reception thataway. Turns out, the reception through the satellite tuner is better than I had been getting using my vcr to tune the (analog) cable (I don't have an actual TV; I use the vcr and satellite tuners connected to a projector). sweet! I decide to actually CANCEL the cable TV (just the TV; I want to keep the internet service).
So, I look at my cable account online. I'm paying $18.95 for the tv service and $42.95 for the internet service, for a total of $61.90 + tax. I call 'em up and ask for the tv service to be cut off. Ok, say they, but that'll affect what you pay for the internet service. Hit me with it, says I. $59.95, say they. WTF?! REALLY?! Outta the $18.95 I'm paying for tv service, I'm gonna get back $1.95?

Fine, bitches. I'm still not gonna play ball with your scammy pricing. Gimme my 2 bucks.
Otherwise, things are goin' pretty good. Enjoyed the holidays with the girl. Spent a bit o' time with friends, a bit o' time with family.
Can't FRIGGIN' WAIT for January 20! w00t!