Me 'n' the girl went hiking in Tallulah Gorge with a couple o' friends last weekend. We did the Hurricane Falls trail, about 3 miles. It was pretty sweet. Then we went over to Anna Ruby Falls in Unicoi State Park. That was another .8 miles round trip, lots of uphill going in. Highly recommended.
Not recommended is the drive through Helen to get from Tallulah to Unicoi. The traffic was major suckage. We did get to stop for some fudge, tho'.
We watched some Netflix, too - "Into the Void" and "This Movie is Not Yet Rated". Both were friggin' great.
Other than that, I've mostly just been spending free time working on the ol' homestead.
Hockey season starts in a couple of weeks! My girl works at CNN as a temp. Permanent employees get voucher books for free Thrashers tickets. Two people gave her their books, so she went and got tix to the 2 Penguins/Thrashers games in Atlanta - section 117 and section 112. That's gonna fuckin' rock!
Hope y'all are gettin' along. Drop by for a beer sometime.
In the keg: Sweetwater 420
On the nightstand: "Screwed: The Undeclared War Against The Middle Class", "Playboy's Silverstein Around the World"
In the Netflix queue: "Office Space", "Where The Sidewalk Ends", "Kiss Of Death"
Me 'n' the girl went hiking in Tallulah Gorge with a couple o' friends last weekend. We did the Hurricane Falls trail, about 3 miles. It was pretty sweet. Then we went over to Anna Ruby Falls in Unicoi State Park. That was another .8 miles round trip, lots of uphill going in. Highly recommended.
Not recommended is the drive through Helen to get from Tallulah to Unicoi. The traffic was major suckage. We did get to stop for some fudge, tho'.
We watched some Netflix, too - "Into the Void" and "This Movie is Not Yet Rated". Both were friggin' great.
Other than that, I've mostly just been spending free time working on the ol' homestead.
Hockey season starts in a couple of weeks! My girl works at CNN as a temp. Permanent employees get voucher books for free Thrashers tickets. Two people gave her their books, so she went and got tix to the 2 Penguins/Thrashers games in Atlanta - section 117 and section 112. That's gonna fuckin' rock!
Hope y'all are gettin' along. Drop by for a beer sometime.
In the keg: Sweetwater 420
On the nightstand: "Screwed: The Undeclared War Against The Middle Class", "Playboy's Silverstein Around the World"
In the Netflix queue: "Office Space", "Where The Sidewalk Ends", "Kiss Of Death"