Vote today, folkage!
I sent a change of address to the elections board right after I moved, but they either didn't get it, or they discarded it (my address wasn't in the post office DB), so I have to drive all the way up to the Branch to vote.
Since we handle some sensitive data at work, my company's clients have asked them to conduct drug tests and background checks on everyone. I had to cop to the DUI that a very select few people at work knew about. I don't think it'll pose any problems vis a vis my background check, but it's not necessarily something I wanted to let my employers know about. Today I have to pee in a cup.
I wrote this big fucking blog on another site in response to the frequent accusations from the reich wing that we on the left have no ideas to run on other than "hate Bush". While "hate Bush" is arguably a sufficient platform, the accusation is wildly off target. In honor of election day, then, I present the M@ Party Pl@form.
Universal, single-payer health care
We spend far more per capita on health care than any other industrialized nation. Yet, as many as 40 million people are uninsured and many more are underinsured. Under M@ Pl@, "Medicare For All" will be the goal.
Withdrawal from (or RADICAL reform of) the WTO
Many on the right point to the UN as the embodiment of "One World Government" (a bad thing for the US, as far as they're concerned, mmmkay?). But how often do you hear of any UN actions affecting US law? Now, how often do you hear of nations filing suit against one another with the WTO? Free trade in theory is not bad, but the current implementation, indifferent as it is to the welfare of the worker, benefits only multi-national corporations. Your average Wal-Mart shopper unwittingly contributes to his own wage stagnation.
Corporate Repatriation
According to Citizens for Tax Justice, corporations already pay a smaller share of taxes than at any time since the 1930s, with the exception of 1 year during the Reagan regime. Still, they feel the need to reduce their tax burden further by re-incorporating in offshore tax havens such as Bermuda. America has made these corporations what they are; they need to give back to America. Let's give them a choice: either re-incorporate in the US or we'll gain that tax revenue back through the use of tariffs.
Tax Capital, not Labor
Trickle-down is a scam. It's not even a failed economic theory; it's a scam, knowingly perpetrated by the rich upon the rest of us. I wrote a previous blog where I go into more detail. Here I will just say that we need to shift the burden off the people that go to work every day and generate the products and services that keep America running. This will benefit not just the worker, but the entire economy, as lower and middle income people infuse the system with additional cash.
Cut and Run (albeit not in those words)
By a 2 to 1 margin, Americans now believe it was a mistake to go into Iraq. And by staying, we only inflame the passions of insurgents. We may need to continue economic and logistical support for a new Iraqi government, but we cannot afford to continue military support, either financially or in terms of American lives lost.
Voting Reform
Caging lists, "felon" purges, "spoilage", and black box voting are at their end. That one citizen can challenge another's right to vote is an absurdity. That felons (the ones that actually ARE felons) are denied their right (read RIGHT, not privilege) to vote is unconstitutional. Vote spoilage is absolutely avoidable with the technology we have. It is time to mandate that voters be given a printout of their votes. They shall be able to review the printout to verify that their votes are recorded correctly, and the printout placed in a locked ballot box to enable a hand recount. Selecting our leaders is the most sacred process we have, and allowing this process to be undermined is treasonous.
The Death Penalty
Look at what company we have in practicing the death penalty: China, The Congo, Pakistan, Iran, Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, and Somalia. (Granted, this list is cherry-picked, as it also includes Japan, South Korea, Barbados(?!) and St. Kitts(?!)). Aside from shaming Americans with this list, there are perfectly logical arguments for abolishing the death penalty. (Ok, I don't actually suspect that this one will fly with voters, but it's an ideal to shoot for).
A living minimum wage
There's been no minimum wage increase in 10 years. Adjusted for inflation, it's been falling for the past 40 years. Of course, Congress has been satisfied enough with their own performance to accept their automatic raise each of the past 5 years - a total, on average, of over $16000 per member. Call me fu[kcq]king nave, but I think people, even those earning minimum wage, should be able to raise a family without working 3 jobs. And I think people, even those earning minimum wage, shouldn't have to decide between rent and groceries.
Repeal the federal drinking age law
At 16, you can pilot a 2 ton bullet filled with gasoline. At 18, you can help choose the leader of the nation, die for your country, sign legal contracts, and become a porno?\b actor. But you can't have a fu[kcq]king beer until you are 21.
Legalize marijuana
It's no more harmful or addictive than tobacco or alcohol - in fact, it has well known benefits. Think of all the money we would save on enforcement, prosecution, and incarceration. On top of which, we can add actual revenue by taxing the sale of marijuana. Yeah, I know this one's another pipe dream.
Decriminalize drug possession
If you're smoking crack, or shooting up, or..., you have (or soon will) enough problems without ending up in jail. Go after the supply. Again, we save a lot on enforcement, prosecution, and incarcercation. Let's use it instead on education and rehabilitation.
Stem cell research
Let's re-elevate science above superstition.
The Kyoto Protocol
The right is so concerned about the effect on the economy, have they stopped to consider what effect an uninhabitable planet will have on the economy? Yowch.
Government for the people, not the corporations
This means putting teeth back into regulatory agencies such as the EPA, FCC, SEC, FTC, and FDA. This also means trying to undo that whole concept of the corporation as virtual person.
Compulsory full time military service
Two years of it, say before your 25th birthday or something? Bet your \bass\b this would bring a screeching, through-the-windshield-ya-go halt to our imperial aspirations. As well as perhaps giving some young people useful skills or just a little push in the right direction.
A massive infrastructure improvement program
sh[i!1l]t's falling apart; it's ridiculously inefficient; it's dangerous. We need work on our highways, sewers, and electrical grid, for a start. Where there are hurricanes, we need to make sh[i!1l]t hurricane-proof; where there are earthquakes, we need to make sh[i!1l]t earthquake-proof; etc. As a bonus, this program creates lots of jobs.
A big crewcut for the military budget
We spend more than just about everybody else put together. Maybe if we made friends more, we wouldn't need to be so well armed against enemies. Twenty percent is about 100 billion dollars that can go toward, education, deficit reduction, etc.
Be excellent to each other...
And Party On, Dudes!
I sent a change of address to the elections board right after I moved, but they either didn't get it, or they discarded it (my address wasn't in the post office DB), so I have to drive all the way up to the Branch to vote.
Since we handle some sensitive data at work, my company's clients have asked them to conduct drug tests and background checks on everyone. I had to cop to the DUI that a very select few people at work knew about. I don't think it'll pose any problems vis a vis my background check, but it's not necessarily something I wanted to let my employers know about. Today I have to pee in a cup.
I wrote this big fucking blog on another site in response to the frequent accusations from the reich wing that we on the left have no ideas to run on other than "hate Bush". While "hate Bush" is arguably a sufficient platform, the accusation is wildly off target. In honor of election day, then, I present the M@ Party Pl@form.
Universal, single-payer health care
We spend far more per capita on health care than any other industrialized nation. Yet, as many as 40 million people are uninsured and many more are underinsured. Under M@ Pl@, "Medicare For All" will be the goal.
Withdrawal from (or RADICAL reform of) the WTO
Many on the right point to the UN as the embodiment of "One World Government" (a bad thing for the US, as far as they're concerned, mmmkay?). But how often do you hear of any UN actions affecting US law? Now, how often do you hear of nations filing suit against one another with the WTO? Free trade in theory is not bad, but the current implementation, indifferent as it is to the welfare of the worker, benefits only multi-national corporations. Your average Wal-Mart shopper unwittingly contributes to his own wage stagnation.
Corporate Repatriation
According to Citizens for Tax Justice, corporations already pay a smaller share of taxes than at any time since the 1930s, with the exception of 1 year during the Reagan regime. Still, they feel the need to reduce their tax burden further by re-incorporating in offshore tax havens such as Bermuda. America has made these corporations what they are; they need to give back to America. Let's give them a choice: either re-incorporate in the US or we'll gain that tax revenue back through the use of tariffs.
Tax Capital, not Labor
Trickle-down is a scam. It's not even a failed economic theory; it's a scam, knowingly perpetrated by the rich upon the rest of us. I wrote a previous blog where I go into more detail. Here I will just say that we need to shift the burden off the people that go to work every day and generate the products and services that keep America running. This will benefit not just the worker, but the entire economy, as lower and middle income people infuse the system with additional cash.
Cut and Run (albeit not in those words)
By a 2 to 1 margin, Americans now believe it was a mistake to go into Iraq. And by staying, we only inflame the passions of insurgents. We may need to continue economic and logistical support for a new Iraqi government, but we cannot afford to continue military support, either financially or in terms of American lives lost.
Voting Reform
Caging lists, "felon" purges, "spoilage", and black box voting are at their end. That one citizen can challenge another's right to vote is an absurdity. That felons (the ones that actually ARE felons) are denied their right (read RIGHT, not privilege) to vote is unconstitutional. Vote spoilage is absolutely avoidable with the technology we have. It is time to mandate that voters be given a printout of their votes. They shall be able to review the printout to verify that their votes are recorded correctly, and the printout placed in a locked ballot box to enable a hand recount. Selecting our leaders is the most sacred process we have, and allowing this process to be undermined is treasonous.
The Death Penalty
Look at what company we have in practicing the death penalty: China, The Congo, Pakistan, Iran, Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, and Somalia. (Granted, this list is cherry-picked, as it also includes Japan, South Korea, Barbados(?!) and St. Kitts(?!)). Aside from shaming Americans with this list, there are perfectly logical arguments for abolishing the death penalty. (Ok, I don't actually suspect that this one will fly with voters, but it's an ideal to shoot for).
A living minimum wage
There's been no minimum wage increase in 10 years. Adjusted for inflation, it's been falling for the past 40 years. Of course, Congress has been satisfied enough with their own performance to accept their automatic raise each of the past 5 years - a total, on average, of over $16000 per member. Call me fu[kcq]king nave, but I think people, even those earning minimum wage, should be able to raise a family without working 3 jobs. And I think people, even those earning minimum wage, shouldn't have to decide between rent and groceries.
Repeal the federal drinking age law
At 16, you can pilot a 2 ton bullet filled with gasoline. At 18, you can help choose the leader of the nation, die for your country, sign legal contracts, and become a porno?\b actor. But you can't have a fu[kcq]king beer until you are 21.
Legalize marijuana
It's no more harmful or addictive than tobacco or alcohol - in fact, it has well known benefits. Think of all the money we would save on enforcement, prosecution, and incarceration. On top of which, we can add actual revenue by taxing the sale of marijuana. Yeah, I know this one's another pipe dream.
Decriminalize drug possession
If you're smoking crack, or shooting up, or..., you have (or soon will) enough problems without ending up in jail. Go after the supply. Again, we save a lot on enforcement, prosecution, and incarcercation. Let's use it instead on education and rehabilitation.
Stem cell research
Let's re-elevate science above superstition.
The Kyoto Protocol
The right is so concerned about the effect on the economy, have they stopped to consider what effect an uninhabitable planet will have on the economy? Yowch.
Government for the people, not the corporations
This means putting teeth back into regulatory agencies such as the EPA, FCC, SEC, FTC, and FDA. This also means trying to undo that whole concept of the corporation as virtual person.
Compulsory full time military service
Two years of it, say before your 25th birthday or something? Bet your \bass\b this would bring a screeching, through-the-windshield-ya-go halt to our imperial aspirations. As well as perhaps giving some young people useful skills or just a little push in the right direction.
A massive infrastructure improvement program
sh[i!1l]t's falling apart; it's ridiculously inefficient; it's dangerous. We need work on our highways, sewers, and electrical grid, for a start. Where there are hurricanes, we need to make sh[i!1l]t hurricane-proof; where there are earthquakes, we need to make sh[i!1l]t earthquake-proof; etc. As a bonus, this program creates lots of jobs.
A big crewcut for the military budget
We spend more than just about everybody else put together. Maybe if we made friends more, we wouldn't need to be so well armed against enemies. Twenty percent is about 100 billion dollars that can go toward, education, deficit reduction, etc.
Be excellent to each other...
And Party On, Dudes!