So, I got my ticket for SG Burlesque in the ATL. Ticketmaster can fucking blow me. For a $13 ticket, I paid nearly 10 fucking dollars in fees. AND they make you agree to get marketing shit.
The house is getting inta better shape. I finally got the dishwasher secured yesterday; I was waiting on the parts. So, I ran a load of dishes and hours later, I realized I didn't have any dishwasher soap.
The A/C has been working for a few weeks straight now; it only took 4 visits and about $1600.
Cable. Ahhh, cable. I went and bought my cable modem and scheduled Comcast to come to my house to install cable, so's I could look at nude chicks 100 times faster than dial-up. When the cable guy arrived, he looked up at the lines on the street and said "you got no tap." He went on to explain that you need a tap on the line so as to pull the cable from the line to the house. And he can't add the tap; Comcast has to come out with a bucket truck. So, I called Comcast again and says to them, "I need a tap." I was quite clear that they needed to come out with a bucket truck and add a tap out in the phone pole area. As a side note, the cable guy apparently notified them that I wasn't even home when he came by. Asshole. Shortly thereafter, a fellow came to my house, looked up and said, "you got no tap."
"Yeah," says I. "I told them that when I called, and that they needed to send a bucket truck." So, I called Comcast again. After I made sure the fellow that answered the phone was crystal clear regarding what I needed, he asked if there was anything else he could do for me. "No," says I. "Just do this one thing right." The very next day, a fellow comes out, looks up at the lines, and (you can probably guess what comes next) says, "you got no tap."
One more call to Comcast (not like I can call anybody else), and I repeat for the girl the same thing I've told to the others - "I need a bucket truck to come out and install a tap on the main line." After making sure that she knew exactly what I was asking, I said to her, "now, take this to your supervisor, and make sure you got it right." She does so, and sure enough, when she comes back she says "oh, we can't do that through our computers" (yes, indeed. She was scheduling yet another installer to come out
). I talked to the supervisor. He told me that the maintenance department would be out to install that tap. He wouldn't give me a direct number or even his last name, so I was dubious. But a couple of days later, sure 'nuff, there was a big coil of line dangling down from the telephone pole. Woo hoo! Now we're gettin' somewhere. I called Comcast once again - this time to actually schedule an installation - and the guy says it'll be 10 days before they can get out. What?! I got 4 people out in the span of a week, and to get the next one it's gonna be 10 days?!
But, finally, those 10 days passed, and my cable was installed, and I can now download up to 6 megabits of nekkid chix0rs every second. To boot, my uplink speed is much faster here than at my last house, so I can stream my 192 kbps MP3s from home to work.
I guess all's well that ends well.
I had my last probation meeting. I think I'm officially on probation until October 5. But at last, the most humiliating saga of my life comes to an end.
I'm sorta seeing this... Republican. No, really. And not only is she Republican; she's Pentecostal - a holy roller.
As well as an Army reservist. She likes Ann Cunter, Rush Limpdick, and Neal Blurtz. WTF am I doing? To be fair, she is at least against the war and is looking forward to Shrub being evicted from the White House. But WTF am I doing?! There's some kinda chemistry there, but how long can that shite last? I've had dates and chatted with fairly attractive chicks that have agreeable politics. I just didn't want to rip their clothes off.
XO, y'all. m@

The house is getting inta better shape. I finally got the dishwasher secured yesterday; I was waiting on the parts. So, I ran a load of dishes and hours later, I realized I didn't have any dishwasher soap.

The A/C has been working for a few weeks straight now; it only took 4 visits and about $1600.

Cable. Ahhh, cable. I went and bought my cable modem and scheduled Comcast to come to my house to install cable, so's I could look at nude chicks 100 times faster than dial-up. When the cable guy arrived, he looked up at the lines on the street and said "you got no tap." He went on to explain that you need a tap on the line so as to pull the cable from the line to the house. And he can't add the tap; Comcast has to come out with a bucket truck. So, I called Comcast again and says to them, "I need a tap." I was quite clear that they needed to come out with a bucket truck and add a tap out in the phone pole area. As a side note, the cable guy apparently notified them that I wasn't even home when he came by. Asshole. Shortly thereafter, a fellow came to my house, looked up and said, "you got no tap."

I had my last probation meeting. I think I'm officially on probation until October 5. But at last, the most humiliating saga of my life comes to an end.
I'm sorta seeing this... Republican. No, really. And not only is she Republican; she's Pentecostal - a holy roller.

XO, y'all. m@