Well, I'm 38 now. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Suddenly I feel 1 year older than I did yesterday.
I guess you get to a point where birthdays do nothing but remind you that you're getting closer to death and still have so much that you want to do. Age itself doesn't bother me. I look young - I still get carded, even - and I feel young. It's the
I'm running out of time! that panics me. Why am I sitting here looking at internet porn and playing sudoku (darn you sudoku!!!), when I could be doing any of a number of other things to feel really alive?
I'm not exactly a bump on a log. In the past few years, I've learned how to ride a motorcycle, learned to whitewater kayak, totalled my car and gotten a dui, and travelled to Costa Rica, to name a few things. But for every day I've spent in activity, I've spent at least 5 in drudgery or sloth. Fuck! I already waste 1/3 of my life sleeping! Why am I watching the fucking TV? I love reading, but why am I even reading, when I could be DOing?
It'd be easy to sit here and say "okay, starting now it's a new me! i'm gonna do, do, do!" But reality is less forgiving. I'm not gonna quit my job, sell my stuff, and go on walkabout. Even planning to start out small, it's always a battle against inertia. I *enjoy* watching hockey on the tube, and it's the status quo, so how do I motivate myself to switch it off to go *play* hockey?

I'm not exactly a bump on a log. In the past few years, I've learned how to ride a motorcycle, learned to whitewater kayak, totalled my car and gotten a dui, and travelled to Costa Rica, to name a few things. But for every day I've spent in activity, I've spent at least 5 in drudgery or sloth. Fuck! I already waste 1/3 of my life sleeping! Why am I watching the fucking TV? I love reading, but why am I even reading, when I could be DOing?
It'd be easy to sit here and say "okay, starting now it's a new me! i'm gonna do, do, do!" But reality is less forgiving. I'm not gonna quit my job, sell my stuff, and go on walkabout. Even planning to start out small, it's always a battle against inertia. I *enjoy* watching hockey on the tube, and it's the status quo, so how do I motivate myself to switch it off to go *play* hockey?
I also get you on the no eye contact in elevators thing. What a smart but insidius place to put commercials.
Good luck on your do do .... doing.