My annual review came through today. It was about what I expected.
Unsurprisingly, it was emphasized that the PDF component I work on is EXTREMELY high profile, and that I need to take additional care in the future to verify that my changes won't have adverse side effects.
Never the less, I got pretty high marks and a very reasonable increa$e.
I broke up with Dawn on Saturday. I don't think she was terribly happy. But I've felt much more upbeat since then.
Sorry I missed the SGATLiens party. Hope to get to see y'all soon.
Unsurprisingly, it was emphasized that the PDF component I work on is EXTREMELY high profile, and that I need to take additional care in the future to verify that my changes won't have adverse side effects.

Never the less, I got pretty high marks and a very reasonable increa$e.

I broke up with Dawn on Saturday. I don't think she was terribly happy. But I've felt much more upbeat since then.
Sorry I missed the SGATLiens party. Hope to get to see y'all soon.

But minesweeper? I have a website for you! The most awesome games, tons of them. games galore! you have to register with a username and password, and then leave a comment somewhere on any of the boards, then go to the arcade and go nuts! It's addicting.