1. Ya ever see a car broken down on the highway and there's a neon orange or green sticker on the window? That sticker basically says "move it or we'll tow it" (I know because I've gotten 'em, not for at least 20 years, tho').
HEY! DUMBASS! If I could move it, it wouldn't be there! You think I'm parking a mile from the nearest exit just because it's convenient to my friggin' apartment? Hol-y Shit!
2. You know how the flasher works in a car turn signal? It's pretty fuckin' cool. There's a thin plate of metal inside that's actually made of 2 different materials. The materials have different thermal expansion rates, so that when the plate is heated, one expands faster than the other, and it causes the plate to bend.
Now, when you turn the blinker on, that little plate completes the signal circuit, and your blinker comes on. But the current flowing through that circuit heats the plate and it flexes, *breaking the circuit* - the blinker goes out. Since there's no longer current flowing through the flasher, that plate cools off, again closing the circuit. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Someday I'll tell you about automatic transmissions.
3. The island of misfit paints.... Go into Lowes (Home Despot prolly has it, too) and head to the paint section. Look around near the counter where they make your paint, and you should see a rack full of paint cans with labels on the lid. These are paints that were mixed up and, for some reason (like wrong color or wrong base), went unclaimed. At the Lowes near my house, you can get a quart for $1 and a gallon for $3.
When I was getting ready to open my restaurant, we had to paint our store room. The color didn't matter, so we raided the island of misfit paints and mixed them all together. It was a relatively attractive purplish blue.
If you don't need to paint a whole store room, you can grab a can and paint an accent wall. That's what I did this past weekend.
4. Get some of these. They're holy-fuck good! I'm eating like 3 bags a week.
XO, bitches. I'm going home now.
HEY! DUMBASS! If I could move it, it wouldn't be there! You think I'm parking a mile from the nearest exit just because it's convenient to my friggin' apartment? Hol-y Shit!
2. You know how the flasher works in a car turn signal? It's pretty fuckin' cool. There's a thin plate of metal inside that's actually made of 2 different materials. The materials have different thermal expansion rates, so that when the plate is heated, one expands faster than the other, and it causes the plate to bend.
Now, when you turn the blinker on, that little plate completes the signal circuit, and your blinker comes on. But the current flowing through that circuit heats the plate and it flexes, *breaking the circuit* - the blinker goes out. Since there's no longer current flowing through the flasher, that plate cools off, again closing the circuit. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Someday I'll tell you about automatic transmissions.

3. The island of misfit paints.... Go into Lowes (Home Despot prolly has it, too) and head to the paint section. Look around near the counter where they make your paint, and you should see a rack full of paint cans with labels on the lid. These are paints that were mixed up and, for some reason (like wrong color or wrong base), went unclaimed. At the Lowes near my house, you can get a quart for $1 and a gallon for $3.
When I was getting ready to open my restaurant, we had to paint our store room. The color didn't matter, so we raided the island of misfit paints and mixed them all together. It was a relatively attractive purplish blue.
If you don't need to paint a whole store room, you can grab a can and paint an accent wall. That's what I did this past weekend.
4. Get some of these. They're holy-fuck good! I'm eating like 3 bags a week.

XO, bitches. I'm going home now.

wow! i'm impressed and shocked. you're the better girl, thats for sure!
that's it! thank you, very much!!