To think, just five years ago, I was SLAVING away in kitchens just to make ends meet. And now, I TRAVEL the WORLD and am completely free, all thanks to my handy little laptop. You know that book the 4 HOUR WORK WEEK, by TIM FERRISS?
It's so real it isn't even funny, well it's kind of funny...
Especially when you figure it out and...
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Does this remind you of anyone?
Unfortunately this is how most people live their lives... Forever.
Being stuck in the #RatRace is no fun. It's an endless cycle of dissolution and broken dreams.
Why is that? Because a Job stands for one thing - Just over broke.
Too many people now today are in this vicious way of life and see no hope for the
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Do you know anyone who is always working all the time but never has any money?
Maybe they've even got two or three jobs and still can't save a penny...
Do you know why that is?
Because wealth is a mindset, just like success and happiness.
If you listen to people that struggle, you'll find a common ground.
Their language patterns probably include things like,...
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Ever since I started working online my life has taken a dramatic change. Traveling and seeing the world for the last two years was beyond words.
Diving with Mantas, seeing the Komodo Dragons, riding moutain bikes across England, and taking Ayahuasca in the Amazon were each life changing events.
But there's something very important I realized.
During the midst of all the fun and adventure...
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Throughout this article I will explain to what I’ve come to understand about fear and how you can overcome it. I know the title says get rid of, but the truth is you can never get rid of it. But you can learn how to overcome it.
First I want to touch on fear and why it’s ridiculous and necessary at the same time, then...
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Some pictures from my last trip out to the island of Komodo. Love it!!! You can have everything you've ever wanted just believe it and go for it!!!