So it's March. The deadline for my SG membership is the 20something. And while it's been fun and all, I simply can't afford it anymore at this point in time. So just giving you a heads up - if my account all of a sudden becomes inactive, that is why.
I may return again when I have a steadier income. I have had some...
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We're both in the same boat, it seems. Shitty deal.
So lately all of my blogs on here have been brief, and cynical.
And while I could take this opportunity to change that around... I instead choose to continue the pattern!

Have you ever read somebody's blog where literally every single entry makes you want to strangle them to death and scream, "ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?! HOW OLD ARE YOU?!!?" I mean seriously folks. Take...
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You need to get laid.
If the picture is not in focus, then don't bother posting it. Learn how to operate your camera!
amen to that
I don't care what your excuse is. If you cannot spell beyond a 3rd grade capacity, I will not add you as a friend on any social networking website. It's for my own peace of mind. Goodnight.
I have a new obsession. If I won the lottery, I would buy an entire room full of vintage science fiction novellas. Back when they were essentially published as zines. There's a book store not too far from my house that has a whole section dedicated to them - most of which are first editions. I want them all, along with an infinite number of...
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intergalactic travel makes me hungry, haha, but in all seriousness, that would be a bitching room!
I feel the need to meet new people. So I add new folks to my friends list.
Fuck you, it's a step in the right direction!
well hello there, cute pics smile
haha, you got it wink
So what do you do when you find naked pictures of somebody you know on the internet? I mean, on a website like SG, if you see people posting neekerd pics of themselves all the time. But what if you're cruising around some amatureporn site and come across someone you knew in highschool? What then?
Obviously the asshole thing to do would be to tell...
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I want you. And your butt.

And in response to your blog....Tell them. It might be painfully embarassing, but if someone is posting their pictures without their knowledge they have the right to know.
You don't like the mess? I say if sex isn't messy, you're doing it wrong!
Fucking Clearwire...
You would think that 4 out of 5 lights would indicate that it is working at 80% efficiency. Wrong. Usually, at full signal, with my girlfriend's plan we're able to get about 35kb/s average download - not amazing, but enough to stream videos and what not. At 4 lights... it runs at about 5 kb/s. That's just barely faster than dial-up. Fucking ridiculous......
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My last blog originally was an invitation to who ever was online to watch me and my guy on cam. I deleted it after ten minutes or so.
If you voted NO on Ref 71, then please, ever so kindly, fuck off and die.
This isn't about politics, personal beliefs, or religion.
This is about basic human rights that we all are entitled to.
Fuck you if you think otherwise.

EDIT: fixed "untitled" to "entitled". whoops!