Oh god... too.. much... food...
Men and an online friend of mine who I discovered only lives about 30 miles away went to the Cheesecake Factory (http://www.thecheesecakefactory.com/) in St. Louis. For those who haven't been, it's: the awesomest restaurant, smoothest bar AND your one-stop cheesecake shop, all rolled into one. And lucky me, said friend was feeling the spirit of the season and decided, "Don't worry, it's all on me." Words we would both live to regret...
Appetizer was a cheese pizza with the sauce in a cup (for easy dipping), some delicious honey wheat bread, and a fantastic mai tai for me. The meal for me was a friggin' *huge* baked cod just soaking in some sort of amazing sauce, fresh mashed potatoes and about three Cokes in a row each. At this point our kidneys are already protesting and the stomach cries "She cannae take much more o'this, cap'n!", but we weren't about to stop there. It's the *Cheesecake* Factory, right?
Jesus Christ in a Tijuana tortilla, there was cheesecake involved all right. After the best cosmopolitans ever, we hit them up for German chocolate and Boston creme cheesecakes to be precise, each one about four inches thick and piled with chocolate mousse and whipped cream respectively. At this point, physical motion becomes impeded. Vision becomes blurry, the ability to distinguish right (the meal was enough) and wrong (MORE CHEESECAKE) drops to nil. Absorbing pure cheesecake richness leads to the heart rate dropping to about ten bpm. Instincts to hibernate for the winter set in. This is beyond unhealthy eating... this is ANTI-HEALTHY.
It was the best meal ever. (Or so they tell me, after the EMT chauffers showed up with our ride for the evening.)
Men and an online friend of mine who I discovered only lives about 30 miles away went to the Cheesecake Factory (http://www.thecheesecakefactory.com/) in St. Louis. For those who haven't been, it's: the awesomest restaurant, smoothest bar AND your one-stop cheesecake shop, all rolled into one. And lucky me, said friend was feeling the spirit of the season and decided, "Don't worry, it's all on me." Words we would both live to regret...
Appetizer was a cheese pizza with the sauce in a cup (for easy dipping), some delicious honey wheat bread, and a fantastic mai tai for me. The meal for me was a friggin' *huge* baked cod just soaking in some sort of amazing sauce, fresh mashed potatoes and about three Cokes in a row each. At this point our kidneys are already protesting and the stomach cries "She cannae take much more o'this, cap'n!", but we weren't about to stop there. It's the *Cheesecake* Factory, right?
Jesus Christ in a Tijuana tortilla, there was cheesecake involved all right. After the best cosmopolitans ever, we hit them up for German chocolate and Boston creme cheesecakes to be precise, each one about four inches thick and piled with chocolate mousse and whipped cream respectively. At this point, physical motion becomes impeded. Vision becomes blurry, the ability to distinguish right (the meal was enough) and wrong (MORE CHEESECAKE) drops to nil. Absorbing pure cheesecake richness leads to the heart rate dropping to about ten bpm. Instincts to hibernate for the winter set in. This is beyond unhealthy eating... this is ANTI-HEALTHY.
It was the best meal ever. (Or so they tell me, after the EMT chauffers showed up with our ride for the evening.)
I need doo-wop! Help me! I need your doo-wop!