Things that are making me happy today:
.the sun
.my best friend
.huge bottles of water
.sia-breathe me
.the craft was on tbs
.the way my hair is sticking off in every single direction
.having all of my papers finished
.actually making good tofu soup
.talking to a far away friend
.having a fresh pack of wake ups and ciggys
.study date at 9
Things that are bring me down:
.having a psychology exam tomorrow
.having to work tomorrow morning
.getting this flu
.missing out on life.
I should get back to work.
take care.
.the sun
.my best friend
.huge bottles of water
.sia-breathe me
.the craft was on tbs
.the way my hair is sticking off in every single direction
.having all of my papers finished
.actually making good tofu soup
.talking to a far away friend
.having a fresh pack of wake ups and ciggys
.study date at 9
Things that are bring me down:
.having a psychology exam tomorrow
.having to work tomorrow morning
.getting this flu
.missing out on life.
I should get back to work.
take care.

you can use my saying if you want...
I'm Happier ThanGuns.
I'm done with cold weather forever!