So, wow it's been awhile!
How is everybody doing?
Alannah has been crazy busy... more than usual even!! My littlest rugrat started taking an afterschool karate program, which led to two days a week at the dojo. After getting his white belt he was hooked!! He is now about a month from his yellow belt and mommy has taken up an adult class. So, in true suburban mom fashion, I have joined the leagues of sports moms. I am terrified that I am three chess moves away from driving a minivan, instead of the sport motorcycle I have been eyeing
It's amazing how these people get the kids hooked first then suck in the parents!! I never imagined I would be sweating and chatting with moms on the parent faculty organization of my kids school. They hated me when I volunteered for school events, being all conventional as they were... and soo not like me. Now I think we have all been brainwashed by some new age cult, based on ancient Asian philosophy. How strange has my life become!!!
To make it a little weirder, if someone had told me ten years ago that the only friend I had more off the wall, who had done more drugs, and had more crazy adventures than me would be the stable relationship in my life, and taking the classes with me, and spending weekends with me and the kids taking their friends for picnics by the lake, and seeing concerts at the inner harbor... I would have told them they were on more drugs than I was on back then.
But here we are... and its amazing!
Bill has been one of my inner circle of friends for 12 years, and we somehow managed to never notice before this year that we were attracted to each other. It's a crazy, wonderful, ridiculous rollercoaster. We are both fiercely Irish tempered, and have known each other long enough to say anything that comes to mind, which leads to some interesting debates! But we also understand so many things about each other, and we are so similar... two peas in a pod, and its great. He has been there my kids whole lives, and they adore him. He goes with Aidan and I to all the karate events, and is even taking the class with me. And ladies... he is such a hottie!!! Great build! six foot blonde, with blue eyes and big............... shoulders, slim hips and a great ass!!!
Alannah is soooooooo content with the world!
Cheers for now from the Happy Strumpet
How is everybody doing?
Alannah has been crazy busy... more than usual even!! My littlest rugrat started taking an afterschool karate program, which led to two days a week at the dojo. After getting his white belt he was hooked!! He is now about a month from his yellow belt and mommy has taken up an adult class. So, in true suburban mom fashion, I have joined the leagues of sports moms. I am terrified that I am three chess moves away from driving a minivan, instead of the sport motorcycle I have been eyeing

To make it a little weirder, if someone had told me ten years ago that the only friend I had more off the wall, who had done more drugs, and had more crazy adventures than me would be the stable relationship in my life, and taking the classes with me, and spending weekends with me and the kids taking their friends for picnics by the lake, and seeing concerts at the inner harbor... I would have told them they were on more drugs than I was on back then.
But here we are... and its amazing!
Bill has been one of my inner circle of friends for 12 years, and we somehow managed to never notice before this year that we were attracted to each other. It's a crazy, wonderful, ridiculous rollercoaster. We are both fiercely Irish tempered, and have known each other long enough to say anything that comes to mind, which leads to some interesting debates! But we also understand so many things about each other, and we are so similar... two peas in a pod, and its great. He has been there my kids whole lives, and they adore him. He goes with Aidan and I to all the karate events, and is even taking the class with me. And ladies... he is such a hottie!!! Great build! six foot blonde, with blue eyes and big............... shoulders, slim hips and a great ass!!!
Alannah is soooooooo content with the world!
Cheers for now from the Happy Strumpet


hey!! I am a mini van driving soccer mom but I still rock