Ok ya'll, the prodigal child returns!!! Sorry I haven't been around in a while.
Life has taken on a very surreal color as of late.
First my hard drive crashed, then my life did... although not as bad as some people around me. Paul and I split up around the middle of June, after two and a half years. Since then I haven't known what each day would bring from one moment to the next. I feel like I've been on the world's biggest rollercoaster, and each time I think the ride is about to end, there is another huge dip that makes you lose your stomack.
I sort of lost myself alot in the relationship, and have been trying to get back to the old me... who I am beginning to think was a total nutjob from the get go!!
So, progress... I have lost 15 lbs, and fit back into my skinny rock star jeans!!! woohoo
I have started working out again, and sm studying mixed martial arts!! Well... to be precise, I am getting the crap kicked out of me for the moment, but I am getting better. I am making new friends, and making it a point to get out with my old friends, which I wasn't doing for a very long time. It all feels really good, and I think I am coming to a healthier place. Why do we always put on weight when we get in a solid relationship? And why does it seem like as long as you stay there, the weight stays too! It seemed like when we split, the pounds just melted off. What a crappy way to have to lose weight!!!
But anyway... I will try to be around more now that the world is not spinning quite so fast. The boys and I are gonna get out of town for a bit in the next few days. It will do us some good, but I will keep in touch.
Huggles and Handcuffs to all from the ArchStrumpet!!!
Love you!
Life has taken on a very surreal color as of late.
First my hard drive crashed, then my life did... although not as bad as some people around me. Paul and I split up around the middle of June, after two and a half years. Since then I haven't known what each day would bring from one moment to the next. I feel like I've been on the world's biggest rollercoaster, and each time I think the ride is about to end, there is another huge dip that makes you lose your stomack.

I sort of lost myself alot in the relationship, and have been trying to get back to the old me... who I am beginning to think was a total nutjob from the get go!!

But anyway... I will try to be around more now that the world is not spinning quite so fast. The boys and I are gonna get out of town for a bit in the next few days. It will do us some good, but I will keep in touch.
Huggles and Handcuffs to all from the ArchStrumpet!!!
Love you!
Thank you for your kind words about my sister's wedding - I will pass it on. It was a fantastic day & certainly one of the happiest I've ever had, let alone the happy couple.
Sorry to hear about your break up but happy your in a better & healthier place.
Strangely, my girlfriend has lost loads of weight while she has been going out with me. She says this is because she has never been happier (this I can believe considering before meeting me her longest relationship had been 10 months - I've had colds for longer). So she is eating & just generally looking after herself better. Me despite being very happy (cos she's just mega lovely) haven't lost any weight. Mind you if I did there won't be anything left of me lol. Oh I've not put on any weight either...... Well that was interesting as paint drying lol
Here's wishing you further improvement & happiness
PS Hopefully, you'll have loads of fun in your rock jeans
glad yous are back though lovely laaaaddyy!!