I can't believe how time slips through your fingers. You plan and plan, you try to organise and then suddenly it turns out you are two days behind. This can't only have happened to me (Please tell me this doesn't only happen to me!
I'm back from the seaside for three days now and on this fourth day, I have managed to write a lousy 800 words. And it's not even a writer's block. There's just so much to do and somehow my dissertation falls back in priority. If that's not a stupid move on my part, I don't know what is.
I haven't even had time to sit down and fix my profile a little bit. I don't even know where the HDD with my pictures is to pick a good profile one.
I was supposed to go talk to my tattoo artist this week but there it is - it is now Saturday, I have to work to do, I have a birthday party to go to tonight and tomorrow I have my brother coming home from Austria to meet and I am soooo looking forward to that.
I'm afraid I'm making such a bad first impression but, hey, that's life for you. And I'm not the most organised person so it's hard for me to tackle this new little world I'm submerging myself into right away.
While I'm here and the next random thing hasn't dragged me away from my laptop - my very first set, SMELL THE COFFEE is up for members review on AUGUST 6. Please do take a look and I hope you like it. I'm sure the next one will be better, as soon as I can get to it. Hopefully with some new ink
Work calls and I almost finished a whole box of ice cream so it's time to do something more constructive!
Have a great weekend people!

I'm back from the seaside for three days now and on this fourth day, I have managed to write a lousy 800 words. And it's not even a writer's block. There's just so much to do and somehow my dissertation falls back in priority. If that's not a stupid move on my part, I don't know what is.
I haven't even had time to sit down and fix my profile a little bit. I don't even know where the HDD with my pictures is to pick a good profile one.
I was supposed to go talk to my tattoo artist this week but there it is - it is now Saturday, I have to work to do, I have a birthday party to go to tonight and tomorrow I have my brother coming home from Austria to meet and I am soooo looking forward to that.
I'm afraid I'm making such a bad first impression but, hey, that's life for you. And I'm not the most organised person so it's hard for me to tackle this new little world I'm submerging myself into right away.
While I'm here and the next random thing hasn't dragged me away from my laptop - my very first set, SMELL THE COFFEE is up for members review on AUGUST 6. Please do take a look and I hope you like it. I'm sure the next one will be better, as soon as I can get to it. Hopefully with some new ink

Work calls and I almost finished a whole box of ice cream so it's time to do something more constructive!
Have a great weekend people!