OK! so big day today! do you ever feel like you're grown up but don't want to be! i had to get up today at 6:30 to take my dog to get fixed, i know, its mean but hes peeing on everything and i just don't like that! plus he won't hump my other dog quite as much hopefully! hes a horn-dog... get it horn-DOG! ok i'm a nerd, so after that i bought a new phone, rad... changed all of my numbers over, erased like half of them, then talked to DMV for like an hour trying to get my car renewed. big bummer i have been waiting since febuary to get these stupid stickers and still nothing. turns out i have one unpaid parking ticket that they never told me about. stupid DMV i hate you!!!! so since i'm on a roll with everything, i called to get an apt to fix my house phone that stopped working mysteriously, and they said they would have a tech out here today, great same day appt! yea right! they said anywhere from 9:30 (when i called) to 7pm. oh yea i have all day to wait for some fucker coming to do nothing but say "um... yea you do have a problem!" all this and its only 10:30! its my day off i should be asleep still! wake me up in about 3 hours please!
I feel bad for him, bad that your dog is the man in your life, and bad for all us men who are not the man in your life...
Hope you took a nap; you earned it...