hi!!! i feel like i've been dead! christmas is got to be the craziest time of year! where did all these people come from??? it seems as though everyone hides for about 11 months and then from turkey day to ho-ho day, they come out in piles! i usually work pretty long hours, from about 9 to 7 or so, sometimes 6. lately i've been working from 8:30 to about 9 or 10 and people are still coming in for appts. geez i wish people liked what i did this much all year long! which.... ( ok favor time ) i;m going to be in a competition in october of 2005, it's a hair show that you get to do whatever you want and its in Monte Carlo, France. pretty rad! but i need to send in pictures of things i've done so they have an idea of what i can do creatively... great... problem is where i work isn't exactly what you could call "creatrive" good money but lots of soccer moms.... so.... if anyone needs their hair done but doesn't mind letting me do whatever i want... LET ME KNOW!!! i promise i will give you awsome hair, its for a group of judges that will let me got to france if YOU look good! so... coming January i will start needing models. ok enough shop talk i need to ho-ho wrap for next week! when i was 16 i was payed to sit in the back of a toystore and wrap presents for people. parents would bring in stuff like bouncy balls and rubber animals.... i'm not a miracle worker people!!!! kisses talk to you all soon, i hope you have a great holiday!!!!!
Nice work girl!!! Lookin Good! Merry Merry!!
good grief sweety you are hot