so here i am, sitting in someone's extra bedroom. its like 90 degrees outside and its not even 10 yet. crazy. so i met a guy last night. he was a friend of a friend of a friend... (you get the point) we started talking and i turned out his grandpa and my gramps were friends. now my granmps has been dead for like 20 years.. and yet, this guy knew him and said he remembered going to his house were he grew up. he lived not far from where my grandparents retired... in wisconsin. ok i met this guy from someone visiting from new zealand. how the fuck do you meet someone who knew your family from that? crazy small world out there people, it just amazes me sometimes.
so here's the question of the day. if we are so close yet so far, do you believe in coinidence, or that we have a fate and certain things guide us and keep us on track. so weird things like that are supposed to show us that we are going in the right direction. there are no real "coinidences" they are simply forms of whatever higher being is showing us we are correct. or... some believe we choose a path before we come back to earth, and our friends from whatever place that is, tries to help us stay on that track. you kow they say we pick out what we need to work on. i think i believe that, i mean its no more far fetched than a lot of other after death predictions, right? who konws, all i know is i met a guy who knew who my family was, and thats crazy we ended up in the same place!
on other news, i get to play with james tomorrow!!! finally i get to meet her!
so here's the question of the day. if we are so close yet so far, do you believe in coinidence, or that we have a fate and certain things guide us and keep us on track. so weird things like that are supposed to show us that we are going in the right direction. there are no real "coinidences" they are simply forms of whatever higher being is showing us we are correct. or... some believe we choose a path before we come back to earth, and our friends from whatever place that is, tries to help us stay on that track. you kow they say we pick out what we need to work on. i think i believe that, i mean its no more far fetched than a lot of other after death predictions, right? who konws, all i know is i met a guy who knew who my family was, and thats crazy we ended up in the same place!
on other news, i get to play with james tomorrow!!! finally i get to meet her!
I definitely believe in a higher "consciousness" be it collective or whatever you want to call it. In my mind I've seen proof of some type of grand design proven over and over again. I'd be a liar to say I understood it all, but I've definitely felt it. Everybody experiences and interprets it differently though.
I think that's how most religions originate is from people getting really tapped in at some point and then doing their best to explain it. As radically different as most organized faiths may seem on the surface, I've found that the more you look into them the more they are the same. Too bad most people don't look at it that way and we get the wars and confusing we get all the time. Part of why I personally choose to follow my own path and not subscribe to any one particular doctrine.
I spend way too much time thinking about this and other metaphysical stuff, and now I've spent way too much time taking up space in your journal for someone who just wanted to say hello.