Hey all, so I know it's a bit late but I thought I would post my halloween costume because I just got my camera working.
Sewn in only 2 hours! (*toots own horn*)
That was the most heroic pose I could come up with haha.
Not a lot of news this month besides the fact that my tooth hurts a lot and I've had to give up coffee lately. My heart is breaking because I love coffee, it turns me into a normal functioning person instead of a grumpy zombie, mmmmmm.
Oh also, my leaf bug died. I was really sad about it, he used to sit in my hand and eat blackberry leaves and do his waving leaf dance.
There he is.
I also have a bearded dragon named Alabama:
Isn't she a beaut?
I've been very unproductive lately thanks to Fallout New Vegas, I can't stop playing. I'm literally losing sleep thanks to that game. They should have support groups for that......actually I'm sure they exist. Someone told me some kids died from sleep deprivation from playing warcraft too much in Japan. I wonder if that's true.
........I just looked it up, scary
I promise not to get that obsessed.
Anyway, that's kind of morbid so instead here are some of my current obsessions:
1. Jackass (is back on every night at 10:30 on much music and I remember what a bad influence those boys were on me when I was growing up. Did you know party boy is called party boy because he was always high on E? I did not.)
2. Ricecakes, only 40 calories? Throw some hummus on that shit!
3. Pantyhose, who can wear shorts in winter? I can!
4. Making lists because my brain is an swirling mass of unorganized thoughts and hormones (like this list here!)
5. Fallout (we've been over this but it's got to be on here or I'd be lying)
6. online asian wholesalers, which is where I bought my #7 which is
7. electric cigarettes, you still get that sweet sweet nicotine but, no tar or carcinogens, you can smoke inside because it's just vapour, it comes in many fruity flavours AND plugs into any USB including your PS3. I'm smoking in the future, captain kirk probably smokes these.
(I"m going to go off topic now, speaking of star trek, where are the bathrooms? This question has bugged me since I was 6 and star trek TNG was all new episodes on TV, don't act like you didn't wonder about that too)
8. Scott Pilgrim vs the world. I really thought that movie was going to be a lame try-hard, but it was really great and I want to live in a comic book land and I miss my pink hair. I asked my boss if I could have pink hair again, he said no, DAMN YOU SERVICE INDUSTRYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! My favourite part of having pink hair was when little kids would stop dead in their tracks and go "mom, MOOOMMMMM! THAT GIRL HAS PINK HAIR, LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!"
Anyway, my blogs are always all over the place, so i'll stop you from wondering where the cohesion is and bid you a good night ladies and nerds

Sewn in only 2 hours! (*toots own horn*)

That was the most heroic pose I could come up with haha.
Not a lot of news this month besides the fact that my tooth hurts a lot and I've had to give up coffee lately. My heart is breaking because I love coffee, it turns me into a normal functioning person instead of a grumpy zombie, mmmmmm.
Oh also, my leaf bug died. I was really sad about it, he used to sit in my hand and eat blackberry leaves and do his waving leaf dance.

There he is.
I also have a bearded dragon named Alabama:

Isn't she a beaut?
I've been very unproductive lately thanks to Fallout New Vegas, I can't stop playing. I'm literally losing sleep thanks to that game. They should have support groups for that......actually I'm sure they exist. Someone told me some kids died from sleep deprivation from playing warcraft too much in Japan. I wonder if that's true.
........I just looked it up, scary
I promise not to get that obsessed.
Anyway, that's kind of morbid so instead here are some of my current obsessions:
1. Jackass (is back on every night at 10:30 on much music and I remember what a bad influence those boys were on me when I was growing up. Did you know party boy is called party boy because he was always high on E? I did not.)
2. Ricecakes, only 40 calories? Throw some hummus on that shit!
3. Pantyhose, who can wear shorts in winter? I can!
4. Making lists because my brain is an swirling mass of unorganized thoughts and hormones (like this list here!)
5. Fallout (we've been over this but it's got to be on here or I'd be lying)
6. online asian wholesalers, which is where I bought my #7 which is
7. electric cigarettes, you still get that sweet sweet nicotine but, no tar or carcinogens, you can smoke inside because it's just vapour, it comes in many fruity flavours AND plugs into any USB including your PS3. I'm smoking in the future, captain kirk probably smokes these.
(I"m going to go off topic now, speaking of star trek, where are the bathrooms? This question has bugged me since I was 6 and star trek TNG was all new episodes on TV, don't act like you didn't wonder about that too)
8. Scott Pilgrim vs the world. I really thought that movie was going to be a lame try-hard, but it was really great and I want to live in a comic book land and I miss my pink hair. I asked my boss if I could have pink hair again, he said no, DAMN YOU SERVICE INDUSTRYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! My favourite part of having pink hair was when little kids would stop dead in their tracks and go "mom, MOOOMMMMM! THAT GIRL HAS PINK HAIR, LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!"
Anyway, my blogs are always all over the place, so i'll stop you from wondering where the cohesion is and bid you a good night ladies and nerds

Net set!
Love it Ala!
Hope you are doing well!