Hello lovelies!
It's april 20th and everyone in BC knows what that means! Yes, i'll be at the art gallery this afternoon, the BCMP should have cooked up something special today.
Anyway, I finally got a hold of the initial pictures from my set and there were some excellent pictures that didn't make it (because it didn't tie in with the set) but I will not let them go quietly into the night!!!! If anyone is interested, i'll stick them under my pics somewhere.
Oh yeah and I got up at 6am to go to army and navy's anual shoe sale, it was madness, but i bought 4 pairs so Im content.
24 hours news < that's the news story on it, women lined up since 5 am and got all bitchy with eachother. Shoes do that to us......
It's april 20th and everyone in BC knows what that means! Yes, i'll be at the art gallery this afternoon, the BCMP should have cooked up something special today.
Anyway, I finally got a hold of the initial pictures from my set and there were some excellent pictures that didn't make it (because it didn't tie in with the set) but I will not let them go quietly into the night!!!! If anyone is interested, i'll stick them under my pics somewhere.
Oh yeah and I got up at 6am to go to army and navy's anual shoe sale, it was madness, but i bought 4 pairs so Im content.
24 hours news < that's the news story on it, women lined up since 5 am and got all bitchy with eachother. Shoes do that to us......
Love your set. . . .hope your "Holiday" was a good one.... .... good ol b.c

I wish I had this shoe sale here. they seel them used or new??