Hello to the people that actually read my blogs like and comment if you do and want me to know.

Summer draws to a close in 22nd of September. Its been a mix bag for me from good highs to a few lows but thats to be expected when you are a Manic Depressive like me :)

Sick Puppies All The Same

Awesome band from...
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Hey everyone a bit of promotion for the awesome Brubs. She is a super cute and sexy Suicide girl who has just dropped her new set. I reckon its worthy of set of the day and want to help her get it links below go show her some love!!

Ikigai by Brubs

Np sexy lady hope the post helps catapult you to the set of the day you belong :)
Brilliant blog mate I love the title!!!

Hi just a short one. I just wrote a short song for my nephew to perform to his Dad for fathers day. Its a cute song called Daddybot based on Smelly cat from friends.

My nephew is 9 and I gave him my acoustic guitar so he can learn guitar. I was going to learn acoustic as I was at one point going to be...
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Happy New year to everyone.

I had a good family Xmas I will work on a blog that updates my Xmas and New year and my goals and dreams for the new year.

I hope you had a good holiday period I will hopefully have a new blog for you soon.

I leave you with this awesome song by Indian Folk Metal band Bloodywood

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Whilst no one can predict the future especially in this beer flu ravaged time.

I know roughkly were I am headaing and want to head I have 3 main goals:

1) Setup and operate a succesful twitch stream.


Thats started I streamed for 7 hours with friends doing all sorts of League game types having a great laugh. The main focus of my streamm...
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Hi Everyone last time I posted I said I would do a Marley blog today I fulfil that promise along with added cat.

Marley is a lovely cat hes is so quick and agile with a lovely soft medium hair length fur. He is an alpha cat loves being top cat. Marley runs our area and has done for a number of years I worry...
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So cute 😻
Cute 😍💖🥰

Howdy partner, gather round and I shall tell you a tale of the time the world stood still.

Why hello there sit down gather round the fire and I shall tell you my story of the dreaded Corona and the panic that was a lock-down that happened after.

My name is Alan and I survived the dreaded Corona pandemic. Since April of this ya'll was
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A long long time ago I did part 1 of massive catch up blog. Then life and a lack of motivation got in the way. I left the blog on a cliffhanger this blog looks to catch you up to date so anything I post afterwards doesn't need to be on the epic side lol


Before we begin properly I was talking to...
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Hey love, thanks for sharing your life timeline with us. That's life, good moment, bad moments...I'm sorry for the bad moments you've been through! But I can see that even with it, you keep on going, that's how it works! Also, it's always inspiring to read about a story of a strong woman. And please bring more from Marley!
Hey babe! You such an amazing being! You went throw a lot and I hope I can always make you smile, even just a little! Thanks for sharing your story, I’m glad that you and your sweet mun had an amazing time besides the bad news. She seems so lovely! I loved all pics! And please share more of Marley and obvious more of you! I’m here if you need me! All my love 🖤

Full Blog CatchUp prelude

This Is the follow on from the last blog that left on a cliffhanger 3 years ago life gets in the way this was always a a difficult blog to do.

What happened that flipped my life upside down is my Mum was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer after Xmas 2017

I will tell you the rest of the blog and...
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