I've received a lot of messages from people asking me what I've been up to lately, and the answer to that is "not all that much". I got laid off a couple weeks ago and I've been looking for a job. I think my portfolio is pretty sweet, but finding an independent salon/spa with an opening is difficult enough, and then I still have to get them to hire me over someone who probably has a lot more experience and their own clientele. It's not so bad, though. I have an interview on Tuesday that I'm pretty excited about, even though it's only a phone interview. I'm giving myself another week or so, and then I have to start looking outside my industry for something to hold me over until I find a salon that's a good fit. You can check out my online portfolio here. SERIOUSLY. So yeah, if anyone knows of a salon in Seattle that needs a nail tech, preferably one that's not part of a national chain, hit me up. I've got the mad skills, yo.
I was at a party on the Saturday before Halloween, and I didn't leave until like 3 in the morning. On the way home, my bf was driving us north on the viaduct when we got pulled over. I was cheesed, because he hadn't been speeding, nor had he been drinking. I expected some classic SPD harrassment. Well, instead of asking us if we knew how fast we were going, the police ordered us out of the car at gun point and made us lie face down on the ground so they could cuff us. It was one of the most bewildering moments of my life. There were three police cars (there was at least one Sheriff and at least one State Patrol car, but I'm not sure who had two cars there), one of which had barking dogs in it. I heard my bf very calmly inform the police that he was carrying a weapon and that the permit was in his wallet, and my heart turned to ice when one of the officers yelled, "he's got a gun!" Luckily it wasn't SPD, so he wasn't shot, or tased, or stomped, and they read him his rights upward of three times before finally telling either of us what was going on. Apparently, a car that was very much like his car, with a partial plate match, had been stolen earlier that evening and the driver had been stabbed. My first thought was that my boyfriend was going to be arrested for stabbing someone, and it was going to be a very, very long night for both of us. My next thought was that everything was going to be okay, though, because he'd owned that car for over two years and he had all the paperwork right there to prove it. And so it was, as soon as his identity was confirmed, and it was established that he was, indeed, the owner of his car, they let us go with many a profuse apology. The entire encounter took less than five minutes. As far as encounters with police go, though, it was quite positive. All the officers were polite and professional, even when they still thought my boyfriend had stabbed someone. SPD could learn a lot from the State Patrol.
But that's really the most exciting thing that's happened to me lately. The rest of it is just me eating eggs on bread, doing my nails, and watching movies on Netflix.
I was at a party on the Saturday before Halloween, and I didn't leave until like 3 in the morning. On the way home, my bf was driving us north on the viaduct when we got pulled over. I was cheesed, because he hadn't been speeding, nor had he been drinking. I expected some classic SPD harrassment. Well, instead of asking us if we knew how fast we were going, the police ordered us out of the car at gun point and made us lie face down on the ground so they could cuff us. It was one of the most bewildering moments of my life. There were three police cars (there was at least one Sheriff and at least one State Patrol car, but I'm not sure who had two cars there), one of which had barking dogs in it. I heard my bf very calmly inform the police that he was carrying a weapon and that the permit was in his wallet, and my heart turned to ice when one of the officers yelled, "he's got a gun!" Luckily it wasn't SPD, so he wasn't shot, or tased, or stomped, and they read him his rights upward of three times before finally telling either of us what was going on. Apparently, a car that was very much like his car, with a partial plate match, had been stolen earlier that evening and the driver had been stabbed. My first thought was that my boyfriend was going to be arrested for stabbing someone, and it was going to be a very, very long night for both of us. My next thought was that everything was going to be okay, though, because he'd owned that car for over two years and he had all the paperwork right there to prove it. And so it was, as soon as his identity was confirmed, and it was established that he was, indeed, the owner of his car, they let us go with many a profuse apology. The entire encounter took less than five minutes. As far as encounters with police go, though, it was quite positive. All the officers were polite and professional, even when they still thought my boyfriend had stabbed someone. SPD could learn a lot from the State Patrol.
But that's really the most exciting thing that's happened to me lately. The rest of it is just me eating eggs on bread, doing my nails, and watching movies on Netflix.

I hope your Thanksgiving turned out better than your Halloween apparently did.
your nail art is fabulous..if you were closer you would totally be my nail lady!!