Last night was pretty wheels off for me. By the time I got to the first party I was so wasted I fell off the couch, which I think is where I got the bruise on my ass. Rachel said she'd never seen me so drunk. When I got to the main party... well... my goodness. Duncan said he was putting my Jameson somewhere safe, but I think he took it because he didn't want me to drink anymore. I drank a surge. I met some dude who is/was a member. I hurt my thumb. I remember making a big production out of the fact that I had hurt my thumb but I don't remember how I hurt it. I set aside a day on Katie's calender for fucking me. I was going to go home, so I went to Duncan's to pick up my hair dryer (he'd had me put his hair up) and passed out cold on his bed. At least I made it to a bed. I woke up a few hours later and the light was on and I still had all my clothes on along with my purse and glasses. I rolled over. At least Duncan had managed to remove his jacket before he passed out. My nose had bled a little. My legs were cold. I fell back asleep. I stayed in Duncan's bed until about 3. It was so warm, and his dog loved me, and I wanted to lie there all day. I felt so worthless. When I left I forgot my hair dryer.
Just be happy that you didn't puke.
I quit drinking the day after I experienced memory loss.