First day of work today it was pretty good I liked it. God! It has been snowing blizzard style all day like it's winter again isn't it spring? smile
My boyfriend left for work today frown I miss him already. Feeling pretty good today really starting to think what it is I really want to do in life, whatever i end up doing i want to be happy doing it.
Once you find something you enjoy doing. It really is gratifying. It is an amazing feeling waking up and actually wanting to go to work.

It is a small world. You have most likely seen my mentor. being from the area you are and the tribal affiliation. Like I said he goes every year. This year ( around end of fall to beginning of winter ) He will be headed up again. This time I will hopefully be with him.
Well i'm going back to school it's been a couple of years but I think i'm ready to take on the task. Not sure what I want to go to school for but i'll figure it out. How exciting!! School!! I actually like the idea of it, it will keep me busy and keep me out of some trouble anyway. Great day today it's warm...
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Cool... Holly was gonna go to UAF but decided that she would feel more comfortable in Anchorage cuz she used to live there. Are you close to Fairbanks now? We used to know a guy who lived in Healy but drove 100 miles every day to work at Denny's in Fairbanks.
oh ok, i've been to fairbanks but didn't really stay long. Healy is a few miles down the highway from Denali. Our car broke down there and we met these guys, and hung out with them a few times after that. one of those times, we went up to denny's in fairbanks. there was a sign there that said "The Northernmost Denny's in the World!" which was funny.... cuz last year holly and I were in Key West and we went to the Southernmost Denny's also.

The sad thing is, I hate Denny's.
Hey what's up everybody just got back from Arctic Man! It was a blast I think i'm done with partying for a little bit. I took some awsome picture but I have to wait to download them. Finally got a job just a receptionist job but i don't have to make to much thinking about going back to school. I'm still wanting to move out...
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what is happiness how do you achieve it? It seems that it is the ability to be happy no matter what the circumstances are or where you might be in life but just enjoying the moment how do you learn to do that? Any suggestions?
Hey WildFlower! Accepting yourself is key. I've been through hell and back a few times. Given up for adoption after losing my parents at the age of 3 (mom that is, dad died when I was 1mo old). Rejected by many. And abused too. Went thru 5plus foster homes and had my nose broken by a mother when I was in kindergartern. Adopted at 9 by inadequate, ignorant, uncompassionate or loving paretns. I kept asking, what gives? Why me. What the fuck is wrong with me? Discovered psychology, fell in love, went to therapy for 7plus years, since I'd been through the whole gamut of sexual, physical and emotional abuse. At one point in my therapy while discussing self-loathing, I said, "you know what? I think I'm just white trash." You know what my therapist said? So what? So, what if you are white trash. Good fucking point! I'm me. I began to accept myself with all of my faults and gifts and realized that I wasn't so much the problem as was other people. Some people are rude, arrogant, unhappy, ignorant and just in short, not at peace. Mostly with themselves. Today I chose to be and I'd like others to as well. Love akwildflower! Love now. Love yourself. Give love away, generously, freely, and unconditionally. Happiness is right there. Peace, joy and love to you always, coreysmile
Been a little down and a little crazy lately so I haven't been on here for a while but doing better it's spring and i'm a little happier the sun can do so much. I've been wanting to move out of this state for a little bit wanting to go somewhere warmer trying to talk my boyfriend into moving back to oregon he's lived there...
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Great day today pretty sure i got a new job the sun has been out and getting ready to go to arctic man that's about a month down the road but can't wait!!!
I have been gone for awhile gone crazy that is doing better, spring just seems to have that effect on me going from almost no sun to to much. But now loving spring there's so much i want to do this summer. I can't wait!!! Hello Buddys! Life is to short Live while you can. Drama isn't worth it. Take care

Been busy can't wait till saturday gonna go to the
Mardi Gras party at the bar!! Can't wait to dress up Saturday hera I come!! smile
Cold here today had a blast on my B-day! It was so much fun still nothing much going on here except it freakin cold. Life is still kinda slow still looking for that perfect job well kinda perfet job I guess, well I guess just looking for a job something to pass the time and get me that vacation i wanna take.
Hey there... I let you in our little group btw. We're a pretty quiet bunch as there aren't very many Natives on the site (surprise, surprise!).

I'm half Oglala (Lakota) and half white myself. What are you?

Oh.... and welcome!

Today is friday, Finally! get to celebrate my birthday today! Gonna go out and have some care free FUN!!!!
awesome picture !!!!!!
well had a fun birthday all my buddies showed up we had a blast. It's so cold here right now just makes you want to hybernate!!! Thanks for the comments on the pictures i really enjoy hearing it. I love taking pictures.