It's almost halloween I love halloween I get to dress up and play. Gonna be pocahontis this year it's gonna be so much fun. Everything is going well on this end still in school, still have a job. Hope is well with everyone else.
Alot has happened since i've been on here last. No boyfriend anymore which is a good thing, I got my shit together in the mist of craziness which is always a good thing to be proud of. I'm back in school have a better job am designing my own clothes and exercising. Maybe doind a little to much but winter is coming up so I...
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Happy mothers day to all the moms! Summer is finally here way up here it's no nice! my allergies are still acting up but it's ok. Went to state boxing championchips friday night got to sit ringside it was so fun! There were alot of knock outs I like watching knock outs. Life is good it's grand things are rolling smoother now. I may have...
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hey there. i know ive been terrible but ive just realised the swap date is the 31st....
I've lost the comment you left me ages ago so im not sure what you'd like...

are you still up for the swap? and if so... either send me a comment back or mail me what your interested in or ask any questions of me you'd like to.
Awesome photographs, love the rainbow one, very nice.
Haven't been here for a little bit allergies are calming down a little meds are kicking in, new job is still going well i really like it and the people i work with. Had a funeral to go to today but didn't go it was for addie she was 2, too sad for me, plus I have another to go to on friday that I...
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So, you wana join the guild?
(Generic greeting everyone gets)
Sign in the welcome
This is a feedback-oriented group, comment, critique and contribute!
Make ready your contributions and comments, and as astronauts in to the unknown, come what may and what not.
Welcome, feel free to butcher, rewrite, or complement your fellow writers work, as this is a get into it group, the main reason for it being private. We are all pros, can take it, and invite the commentary to improve or sharpen perceptions. Although we are definitely not here to attack the individual, the intent is to provide support to the truth seekers.
Infringing upon copyright is expressly discouraged; please respect the hard work of your fellow artists. We hope to inspire, contribute and know our rights are protected, as this is the primary reason this is a private group. No work is to leave the group without the express consent of the author. You will be removed from the group and face legal ramifications. We are here to be real.
All writing styles, subjects, and interests are as different as the individual and after we get going we may choose to require a submission to enter.
With that said.
Welcome aboard and feel free to contribute, comment, and contact me anytime.

It is so nice out! I love the sun life is better looking to the sunny side of things. Have a wedding to go today so excited. The only thing that sucks right now is ALLERGIES! I hate ALLERGIES, this is only my second year having them and they can make you so miserable. Otherwise life is grand hope everyone else is doing fine.

fucking allergies! i hate them... just end up sneezing my way through life trying to be polite.... but i HATE sneezing...

anway hey swap buddy smile just wondering what you were into? any ideas for what you would like in the swap?


It has been so warm here the sun has been out every day and the temp has been rising summer is almost here! My new job is going well i enjoy it alot. My boyfriend made foreman so were both happy. My sister leaves for New Mexico today for the gathering of nations she's gonna have so much fun! Well hope all is well with...
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Today is better gonna try and check out the outdoor show and just have a relaxed day was up pretty early we went to bed early last night and had a good sleep. Kind of overcast today but it looks kinda warm out. Well i'm going to go eat breakfast, hope everybody has a good day!!

When it rains it pours frown Things aren't so great it's been a rough week things will get worse but i think i've got a hold on things now. Loved my first week of work love the place i work in things are great there. My friends little girl is really sick and probably will dye it's so sad she's only two so heartbreaking. My other...
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im sorry to hear that hope things get better. where you working at?
The sun is back life is good my boyfriend comes home today! My new job is cool everything seems to be working out this week yeh!
First day of work today it was pretty good I liked it. God! It has been snowing blizzard style all day like it's winter again isn't it spring? smile
My boyfriend left for work today frown I miss him already. Feeling pretty good today really starting to think what it is I really want to do in life, whatever i end up doing i want to be happy doing it.
Once you find something you enjoy doing. It really is gratifying. It is an amazing feeling waking up and actually wanting to go to work.

It is a small world. You have most likely seen my mentor. being from the area you are and the tribal affiliation. Like I said he goes every year. This year ( around end of fall to beginning of winter ) He will be headed up again. This time I will hopefully be with him.