I feel like planting a garden. It's been so long since I had a garden to plant in. I guess this is one of the perks of moving away from Victoria. Mmm, I should go steal plants out of someone else's garden. If they catch me, I'll be all like but I have to feed my bay-beee!
I love it when I am being all crazy and manic and people ask me if I am drunk or the like. No, I feel sorry for those people. Like you can only be fun if your so intoxicated you don't know any better. I never have much fun when I am intoxicated. Well at least I never did when I was a teenager, I didn't understand my little tolerance for alcohol and could become very drunk very quickly.
I am not liking the current gloominess that I keep writing about. I feel like I am doing nothing but feeding the flame. Maybe its been the weather, its cold and rainy. Which normally doesn't bother me but right now I need all the sunshine I can get. I want to go out, ride my bike and scare people.
I think I am going to finish some comics. I am bored, I've spent all day cleaning and doing laundry, I need to do something much less domestic.
Loki is cute, we should all worship him.
I lost my favouritist book of all time Buddhism: Plain and Simple. So I keep thinking about various ideas in it.
Like the beggining and ending of things. If you started from your parents, and they started from their parents and so on and so on. And if they were started by a god, then who started the god. This goes forwards or backwards. If I think on this too much it takes over my mind like the most fabulous riddle ever sounded. Most buddha-dharma does this to me.
xpost from livejournal cause I am too damn lazy to think of something else to write
I love it when I am being all crazy and manic and people ask me if I am drunk or the like. No, I feel sorry for those people. Like you can only be fun if your so intoxicated you don't know any better. I never have much fun when I am intoxicated. Well at least I never did when I was a teenager, I didn't understand my little tolerance for alcohol and could become very drunk very quickly.
I am not liking the current gloominess that I keep writing about. I feel like I am doing nothing but feeding the flame. Maybe its been the weather, its cold and rainy. Which normally doesn't bother me but right now I need all the sunshine I can get. I want to go out, ride my bike and scare people.
I think I am going to finish some comics. I am bored, I've spent all day cleaning and doing laundry, I need to do something much less domestic.
Loki is cute, we should all worship him.
I lost my favouritist book of all time Buddhism: Plain and Simple. So I keep thinking about various ideas in it.
Like the beggining and ending of things. If you started from your parents, and they started from their parents and so on and so on. And if they were started by a god, then who started the god. This goes forwards or backwards. If I think on this too much it takes over my mind like the most fabulous riddle ever sounded. Most buddha-dharma does this to me.
xpost from livejournal cause I am too damn lazy to think of something else to write
And I want to meet that there Loki. Yes I do.